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-They have very little cytoplasm which gives it room to store fat

-They have very few mitochondria (parts of the cell where respiration happens to produce energy) as they use very little energy

-They can expand 1000 times larger from their normal size as it fills with fat

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8y ago
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13y ago

A fat cell is used as a store for energy and to keep you warm.

You can think of a fat cell as a tiny plastic bag that holds a drop of fat.

There is also another type of fat in babies which is called Brown fat. This enables babies to keep warm. The lose this brown fat as they get older

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11y ago

It has very litttle cytoplasm so has room to store as much fat as possible. It has very few mitochondria which are found inside cells and produce energy. This is because fat cell needs very little energy. Finally a fat cell can expand to 1000 times its normal size as it is filled with more and more fat.

Hope this is of some help! :)

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Q: Fat cell How is it adapted to its cell function?
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