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The fetus is isolated from the woman's system by the umbilical cord. It is the only link between the two bodies and has a rather unique filtering and buffering system. There is a condition where rejection can actually take place this happened with my son have forgotten the name of the condition. In any case he got out alive,

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Q: Fetus is half foreign body genetically then why is not rejected by the female body?
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What causes the female fetus to develo differently from the male fetus?

A female fetus with an a y chromosome is what makes it develop differently from a male fetus.

What cause the female fetus to develop differently from the male fetus?

The female fetus has a Y chromosome while the fetus only has two x chromosome.

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Fetus is not a transplant in the body of the mother. Food you ingest does not go inside the body. It remains out side the body. like wise the fetus is not inside the body. It is outside the body of the mother. The proteins from the fetus do not come in direct contact of the mother. There is placental barrier between the fetus and the mother.

Is the male or female more responsible for the sex of the fetus?

The male. He carries an X and Y chromosome. If he gives an X, the fetus is female. If he gives a Y, the fetus is male.

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Sometimes fetus is genetically abnormal and dies. Sometimes there is knot in the umbilical cord leading to less blood supply to fetus and then fetus dies. Some times there is partial separation of placenta and blood supply to fetus is hampered. And then fetus dies.

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No hormones are there, which are responsible for developing a male or female child. it depends on the genetic make up of the fetus. fetus with XY chromosomes become male. Fetus with XX chromosome become female.

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The organ where the developing fetus resides is called the uterus. This is where the fetus grows and matures inside the female.

Is your fetus a female during the first trimester of pregnancy?

Your fetus' sex is determined at fertilization. However, the external genitalia don't start developing until the 11th week of gestation, but will still not be visible on ultrasound.

When Will a female egg cell be fertilized and develop into a fetus?

When the female egg cell met with sperm

What is your urterus?

It is the female organ that brings a fetus to full development.