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cervical plexuses

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Q: From what plexus does the phrenic nerve arise?
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The phrenic nerve is a member of which nerve plexus?

Cervical plexus....

What is the major nerve stimulating the diaphragm?

While reading " Structure and Function of the Human Body" I believe the correct answer is the phrenic nerve. Hope this helps. the nerve that stimulates is the phrenic nerve but it arises from the cervical plexus

What nerve causes the deaphragm to contract and initiate inhalation?

The phrenic nerve of the cervical plexus. Cervical Spinal nerves 3-5.

What is a nerve emerging from the cervical plexus involved in breathing?

The Phrenic Nerve

Which spinal plexus gives rise to the phrenic nerve and what organ does this nerve supply?

Cervical; diaphragm

What spinal nerve serves the diaphragm?

Phrenic nerves from brachial and cervical plexus.

What major nerve arise from the plexuses?

what major nerves arise from the coccygeal plexus

What nerves innervate the diaphragm?

The phrenic nerve, arising from C3,C4,C5. Damage to the brachial plexus can result in temporary or permanent paralysis of the diaphragm

Irritation of a major nerve of this plexus may cause hiccups?

Hiccups are involuntary spasms of the lungs associated with esophageal irritations. They are triggered by the phrenic and vagus nerves.

What major nerves arise from the sacral?

The nerves that arise from the lumbar plexus are femoral, obturator, lateral femoral cutaneous, genitofemoral, illoinguinal and illohypogastric nerve. As part of lumbosacral plexus, it is the nervous plexus that is found in the lumbar region.

What is the function of the cervical plexus?

The brachial plexus is a network of nerves fibers that connects the arm to the spinal cord. Injury of it could cause the arm to be paralyzed, a lack of muscle control, and/or a lack of sensation.

What nerve carries impulses to the diaphragm?

phrenic nerve