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Some such experiments have been performed, mostly to verify that it was in fact possible as predicted by the modern evolutionary synthesis. The basic method of achieving the drift is to alter the factors affecting the environment of different populations and seeing what happens, then comparing the outcomes.

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Q: Have scientists ever tried to change one species of bacteria into another species by genetic drift through their offspring?
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The genetic definition of fitness and adaptation is when a given organism survives long enough to have an offspring. The offspring usually have another offspring and the chain continues.

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material that is past on to the offspring from the parents.

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How does most bacteria reproduce?

*** they do, through a process called conjugation. which is where bacteria join and share and exchange genetic materials. once the genetic materials are exchanged, each baterial cell will go through binary fission to produce an offspring with a new genetic makeup.

Is mutant bacteria and transgenic bacteria same?

Transgenic: This kind of bacteria is formed by transfer of genetic material from another bacteria. The transfer may be natural or by genetic techniques. Mutant: This kind of bacteria is also a modified one at genetic level, but not due to transfer of genetic material from other bacteria or organism, but due to genetic changes in the organism itself. This changes may be due to UV rays or ionising radiations, or other mutantion stimulating agents (mutagens)

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An offspring receives half of its genetic information from its mother, and half from its father.

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genetic engineering

What is the difference between lateral and vertical gene transfer?

Lateral gene transfer is the process of genetic transfer of (mostly) resistance genes through plasmids among bacteria while vertical gene transfer is the transfer of genetic materials that are passed down from parent organism to offspring from one generation to another.

What is when bacteria temporary join and transfer genetic information to one another?

This is called conjugation.

What are genetic traits?

Genetic traits are variations of features passed on to offspring from there parents.