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Genetic markers make it possible for researchers to mix recombinant plasmids with a group of bacteria. Add enough DNA to transform one cell into a million and still be able to "find" that cell.

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A gene that helps to distinguish the bacteria carrying foreign DNA (e2020)

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Q: How are genetic markers related to transformation?
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Scientists use a what to determine if a transformation was successful?

Scientists use a genetic marker to determine the success of a transformation. Genetic markers will change if the transformation has succeeded.

What is genetic transformation of an organism?

Single-cell organisms are linked to genetic transformation, they acquires new genetic material from the environment

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What if you sent human saliva to the dog breed DNA test?

The results would be voided because the genetic markers for the "breed" genetic or parental markers would not be present.

What is the term for genetic markers that turn DNA segments on and off?

The epigenome refers to the markers that turn on and off specific genes. The markers themselves are named according to their chemical composition, ie. methyl-markers.

Why are genetic markers from noncoding regions useful in distinguishing DNA fingerprints?

To use DNA to identify a specific person accurately, you want to compare genetic markers that are unlikely to be shared with any other person.

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Forensic investigators compare the suspect's DNA profile with the DNA evidence collected at the crime scene. If they find a match, it can provide strong evidence linking the suspect to the crime. DNA fingerprinting is highly accurate and can be used to establish a biological link between the suspect and the crime scene.

What refers to bacteria taking up extraneous genetic material?


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Which orginism is the better suited for total genetic transformation?

Single cell.

What role do gene markers play in genetic engineering?

its bdt here . gene marketers have a feel for what people want so they tell the genetic engineers