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Generally through forces of interaction like hydrogen bonding between N-H of one amino acid and C=O of another amino acid.

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Q: How are proteins stabilized in the folded structure?
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When does proteins precipitate?

Protein molecules are stabilized its structure by various non covalent interactions. When proteins exposed to advers pH or temperature (high or low) that are not favorable to its stability, they precipitate out from the buffer. The precipitated proteins generally lose its biological activity.

Are proteins also peptides?

PRoteins are formed as polypeptides from ribosomes. The polypeptide undergoes biophysical and chemical changes to get 2D and further 3D structure. So proteins in general, are polypeptides that are folded with cetrain stable conformation.

What are chromosomes stabilized by?

Proteins. They can make the chromosomes packaged in a tight state.

Why is the three dimensional shape of proteins so important?

Proteins are built as chains of amino acids, which then fold into unique three-dimensional shapes. Bonding within protein molecules helps stabilize their structure, and the final folded forms of proteins are well-adapted for their functions.

What is a folded plate structure?

A folded plate structure is a type of building structure. In this type of structure, there are thin walls and flat plates or components connected to create a dihedral angled shell.

Which aspects of protein structure are stabilized or assisted by hydrogen bonds?

All the structure except the primary structure. Sure 100%

What is the system of folded membranes in cytoplasm where proteins are made?


What is the system folded membranes in cytoplasm where proteins are made?


How tertiary structure is stabilized?

The foldings of the tertiary structure are generally monitored by proteins called "chaperonins". These protein complexes have two rings that are stacked on top of each other like a cylinder. The complex has enough room to contain the polypeptide for folding into its 3-d shape.

Which structure produces proteins?

Your question is ambiguous - the previous answer applies if your question was "Which structures do proteins produce?" However, if your question was actually "Which cellular structure produces proteins?", then you are looking for the ribosome. This is a huge molecular complex which is itself made of RNA and proteins. Ribosomes float around in the cytoplasm, but many of them are also attached to the rough endoplasmatic reticulum.

What are all the disease proteins having no structure?

All proteins have structure.

Why do they boil the proteins in western blot test?

Proteins are boiled to denature the proteins. Proteins are made of polypeptide chains, and are tightly folded into a three-dimensional shape within your cells. For a western blot, the protein must be denatured out of its folded shape so that it is only a long polypeptide chain.