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The vertebral column which also none as the spinal column is divided into segments made of 32 bones. The Cervical vertebrae has 7 bones which make up the neck. The Thoracic vertebrae has 12 bones and forms the upper back. The Lumbar vertebrae has 5 bones and forms the lower back. The fifth articulates with the sacrum which in turn articulates with the coccyx. The cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions consist of individual vertebrae. The Bones are labeled according to the region. Example the Cervical region is labelled C-1-7, the thoracic is labelled T-1-12 and the lumbar area is labled L-1-5. The Sacrum consists of fused components of 5 sacral vertebrae. The Coccyx consists of 3-5 coccygeal vertebrae that have fused together.

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Q: How are the vertebrae numbered in the human spine?
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Where are the vertebrae in a human body?

The spine is made up of vertebrae.

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The thoracic vertebrae take up the most space on a human spine.

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There are five vertebrae, or bones, in the lumbar spine.

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vertebrae in a human spine

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vertebrae in a human spine

How many cervical vertebrae are found in the human spine?

The human cervical spine is made up of seven vertebrae. In fact, nearly all mammals have seven cervical vertebrae, even giraffes.

The cervical spine is made up of how many cervical vertebrae?

The cervical spine is made up of seven cervical vertebrae. These are numbered(C1-C7) and are the smallest of the true vertebrae. The third through sixth cervical vertebrae have characteristics in common. The first, second, and seventh are considered special cervical vertebrae, and have different characteristics.

What is a c6 fracture?

The spine is divided in to different regions and then each vertebrae within that segment is numbered. The vertebrae in the neck are called cervical vertebrae and there are 7 of them. Therefore, a fracture of C6 is a fracture in the 6th cervical vertebrae (at the base of the neck).

What is acoelous vertebrae?

Acoelous vertebrae are flat on both the anterior and posterior ends of the centrum(spool in the middle). An example would be the vertebrae in the human spine.

What is the scientific name for the back?

A scientific name for "the human spine" is called a "vertebrae."

Bones in a human head?

There are 22 bones in a human head

What are the vertebrae human have?

a human being has 33 vertebrae all together including neck to spine and everything. and then for a humans neck is the same as a giraffe which is 7 vertebrae in their neck since they are both mammals the vertebrae are just different sizes.