

How can you become immune to pain?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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In order to be immune to pain is to be pain itself.

By explaining the previous sentence is probably to get used to pain, by receiving pain the human brain reacts and initiates the response of the pain delivered to the body.For say, if your in middle of a physical fight you heart rate increases and yet again the host of the body ignores the risk of heart failure as well weakening the heart.The primary focus of what the human being is doing in a physical fight is the win his/she's fight.Yet again your heart is working twice as hard than usual, by using stamina and delivering blood at once (this is when the say of adrenaline rush kicks in).When the body receives pain the brain as well the host of the body knows that he/she is going to be hurt, but yet again the host ignores his/her injury making much more acceleration to the body.As by this explanation you can tell professional boxers,wrestlers,and weight lifters practice for long periods that soon the can hold the pain or destroy the feeling of pain.The best way to say how you can be immune to pain is by ignoring the feeling or put your strength and mental mind/body to the test and see if your body has the sophistication of immunity to pain.

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