

How can you kill a hedge apple tree?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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take a chainsaw to it.

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Q: How can you kill a hedge apple tree?
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That sounds like a hedge apple. I use to call it a brain tree when I was a kid, because a hedge apple resemble a brain.

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You can kill a crab apple tree by cutting it down with an axe.

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Osage Orange is also called Bodark, Bodark oak, hedge oak. ( it's not an oak ) It's fruit is often called horse apples and hedge apples... so some ppl refer to the tree as 'horse apple tree' or 'hedge apple tree'. The green fruit is not edible, but the seeds are.

Where can someone find information about Osage Orange?

The Osage Orange tree is also known as a hedge apple or a horse apple. The websites Wikipedia and Hedgeapple are good places to find out more information about them.

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What is the scientific name for hedge apple?

maclura polmifera

Does does an apple tree change in the spring?

yes peining apple trees in the fall will kill them

Why does an apple tree grow an apple?

because it is an apple tree

When does the apple tree in blossom?

The apple blossom grows on an apple tree. The apple tree grows when you plant an apple seed.

What does tree plus apple equals what?

tree apple

Can gnat infestations kill indoor apple tree saplings?

No, gnat infestations generally do not kill indoor apple tree saplings. They are just fungus gnats from the soil as a result of overwatering. Cutting back on watering amounts and times should make the fungus gnats die off.