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Plant cells react in many ways. Because of its rigid structure, the plant cell will not just melt, it will just begin to cave in. For example... ------------------------------- I I I I I __________________I If this is the cell's structure, the top layer will cave in like this... ---\ /------- I \ / I I I I__________ You get my point!!!

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15y ago
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12y ago

Water in plant cells influences the amount of turgor pressure. If the plant has enough water, the cells are turgid, or firm. If the plant loses water, however, the cells become flaccid (limp or wilted) in a process called plasmolysis in which the cell's protoplast shrinks and pulls away from the cell wall.

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12y ago

well if you dont give plants water they die.

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Q: How do plant cells react when they do not receive enough water?
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