

How do you firm your breast?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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Rubbing with the hands or kissing/licking - if a partner is doing this - are the usual ways. You can try using different things like feathers, ice cubes, warm tea, other temperate objects if you have time to set up, and (if you're into that kind of stuff) things like nipple clamps and similar apparatus are available at many adult stores.

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12y ago

Well the best thing to firm your breasts is go to the gym. In my gym there is a machine to help men get pecs but it also helps for women.

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Breast size is determined by body fat, hormones, and DNA. To increase the size of the breast you can gain weight or have surgery. Otherwise, no cream, drink, food, pill, or exercise will increase the size of a breast. A good bra can help shape and firm it, though.

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Breast tenderness is one of the presumptive signs of pregnancy.

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No.Weight loss will reduce the size and so the "looseness" of the breast somewhat.

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Yes, 100%. she dated a good friend of my in LA, He said they are massive and firm.

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No.Weight loss will reduce the size and so the "looseness" of the breast somewhat.

What happens if you wear a bra to bed?

nothing I personally wear one 24/7 it can keep your breast lifted and firm though

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The size of your breast comes from your DNA and no food, drink, or exercise will change the size. You can firm your breasts through exercise, but not change the size. Only surgery will make a breast larger with implants.

What does the bra do to help your breasts?

It helps to shape your breasts, and to keep them firm (when you are a teen). And latter it will help to support your breast, so that they don't sack.