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Q: How do you get cat DNA to fuse with human DNA in a human body?
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Related questions

How would you use DNA in a sentence?

The DNA of a cat is different from that of a human.

Can a half cat half vampire turn a human into a vampire?

If vampires existed (they don't) the DNA of a cat and a human are not compatible.

What is one technological advance that has made it possible for doctors to know more about the human body?

x-rays CAT scan microscope DNA sequencing

What muscle of the human body is homologous to the sternomastoid muscle of the cat?

The sternocleidomastoid in the human is homologous to the sternomastoid muscle of the cat.

What are the similarities of DNA structure of genes in a cat human and eucalyptus tree?

The amounts of adenine and thymine in the DNA of a human, cat, and eucalyptus tree are all very similar. Also the adenine and guanine amounts will always equal the thymine and cytosine amounts.

Why does a sphinx have a human head?

yes.It has a cat body abd a human head

What is the impact on human body if a cat bites? can cause cat-scrath disease

Can you wash a cat with body wash?

No a cat's pH is totally different from a human's

What is the Egyptian Cat Goddess?

Bastet is the Egyptian goddess of cats. In fact, she has the head of a cat and the body of a human.

What is cat urine?

Cat urine is the cat's body getting rid of fluids, much like what a human does. Urinating also helps flush out any toxins in the body.

Why does a cat sit on you when you are asleep?

Because they enjoy the warmth of the human body.

Is there a spell to become a cat girl?

No. People can't turn into animals or other things. It would be real messy if you think about it and a human's DNA can not live in the same body with a cat's DNA. The "thing" it would become nature wouldn't allow to live. Only in movies, TV, and stories can people turn into things/animals. The special effects fellows do a good job with that sort of thing.