

Best Answer
  • Carbon dioxide enters and oxygen exits through small pores.
  • Light shines through the transparent surface cells and is absorbed by chlorophyll in the chloroplasts.
  • Glucose is concentrated to form "sap".
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Q: How does CO2 and light energy enter a plant?
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The three things that enter the plant during photosynthesis are?

The inputs for photosynthesis are light (which is energy), water (which is matter), and carbon dioxide (which is also matter).

What does chloroplasts do to plant cells?

They are the sites of photosynthesis. CO2 is reduced to glucose using light energy

What is the primary source of energy that you use to breath and think?

the sun is our main source of energy as it provides heat and light energy,plants use the light energy and take in co2 to make food,which we consume,but is dependent on the plant.

What type of energy does the plant use to convert CO2 and H20 into sugar?

Plants use the energy from sunlight to convert co2 and h2o into glucose [sugar].

What is a green plant's energy source?

The sun!

What do chloroplast do for a plant cell?

It helps conduct photosynthesis. It captures light energy to conserve free energy into the form of ATP.

How does a plant use CO2 and H2O?

A plant uses CO2 and H20 along with sunlight to create energy. This process is called photosynthesis.

What binds with light to make glucose?

the light energy, co2 and o2

In what sense is energy from coal actually solar energy?

Coal is derived from plant material which was produced by solar energy during photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is roughly H20 + CO2 + solar energy = Ch20 + O2, which converts CO2 and water to oxygen and plant material as the plant grows.

How does Co2 enter plants?

CO2 enters a plant through stomata. Stomata is present on the base of leaves.

What does a plant produce when they undergo photosynthesis?

Plant get H2O,CO2 and energy(E),chlorophyll absorbs H2O,CO2 and energy to powder the reaction so H2O=2H,O\CO2=C and O2.Carbon get mixed with hydrogen to form fructose and glucose and oxygen get out from plant.

What does glucose occur in?

Photosynthesis, a plant takes in light energy and CO2 and makesglucose. or when food gets broken down then ccellular respiration breaks down glucose.