

How does concentration affect enzymes?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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The greater the concentration of enzymes, the high possibility that a molecule will bind to the active site, so the faster a reaction takes place.

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Q: How does concentration affect enzymes?
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How does substrate concentration and pH affect enzymes?

Substrate concentration will affect enzymes because substrates are specific to enzymes. The pH will affect enzymes because certain enzymes will work better in certain pH levels.

What are two things that can affect the enzymes shape?

Salt concentration and the pH! also the temperature and activations and inhibitors affect an enzymes actions

What factors affect the rate of reactions of enzymes?

mainly mainly there 41)pH2) temperature3) concentration of enzyme4)concentration of substrate

How salt concentration affect the rate of enzyme reaction?

Each enzyme has an optimal salt concentration. Changes in the salt concentration may also denature enzymes.

What are four things that can affect the way enzymes work?

pH, temperature, concentration of enzyme, substrate concentration, etc

Why will increasing the substrate concentration not decrease the effect of a non competitive inhibitor?

Because you will still have the same number of enzymes inhibited. For example, you have 20 enzymes and 10 non-competitive inhibitors. Regardless of substrate concentration, at any one time, there will only be 10 enzymes available to accept a substrate. Increasing the substrate concentration does not affect this.

What factors affect the activity of enzymes?

Enzymes work best in the pH and temperature that they are " designed " for. A pepsin enzyme works best in the low pH environment of the stomach, while amylase works best at mouth temperature and ~ 7 pH. Heat and out of range pH can denature enzymes and not only affect their activity but inactivate them.

How does salt affect enzymes?

Salt concentration affects all enzymes differently. Depending on the situation, salt concentration has the ability to precipitate or unfold the enzyme. It also has the ability to disrupt hydrogen binding and binding to ionic residues decreasing, which could increase the activity of the enzyme.

What can affect enzyme activity?

pH Temperature Substrate Concentration non-ideal conditions will ultimately lead to the denaturing of the enzyme

What 2 things can affect enzyme activity?

Temperature.Ph Levels.Specificity.Concentration of enzymes and substrate.Cofactors/co enzymes.Inhibitors.

How do enzymes affect reactions?

The initial velocity of a gradually increases during enzyme substrate reaction. The concentration of the substrate also increases with it.

What conditions affects the function of enzymes?

The activity of an enzyme is affected by temperature, pH and the concentration of the substrate.