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ATP decreases

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ATP synthesis decreases

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Q: How does cyanide inhibit mitochondrial function?
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How is dizziness related to mitochondrial disorder?

The mitochrondria main function is to produce ATP. ATP is the currency of cells, with out this currency cell function slows down, then eventually can cease. Therefore, any disorder that leads to substantial reduction in ATP production cause lethal problem in the CNS, which needs a continuous supply of ATP. Cyanide poison works this way. it inhibit the electron transport system in the mitichondria, thus resulting death.

Which metabolic poison can inhibit the production of ATP and therefore stop active transport?

Potassium cyanide

What is the function of pyrogens?

inhibit bacterial growth

What is the function of the sperm cells mitochondrial spiral?

Producing energy APEX

The major function of vitamin E is to inhibit the destruction of?

free radicals

A drug is tested in the laboratory and is found to create holes in both mitochondrial membranes Scientists suspect that the drug will be harmful to human cells because it will inhibit?

the citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation.

What is melas in medical terms and how dangerous is it?

The medical abbreviation MELAS stands for mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes. It is a life-limiting condition that's due to abnormalities in mitochondrial function.

What is the most important function of endorphins?

Enable neurons to excite or inhibit each other

How does Danube Cyanide Spill poison animals?

Cyanide acts at the level of the cell mitochondria (the cell's energy factory) to stop the utilization of oxygen in the formation of energy (adenotriphosphates - ATP). Without this energy (ATP), cells cannot function and ultimately die. Cyanide has the same effect in humans... you can die of cyanide poisoning.

Cyanide acts as a mitochondrial poison by blocking the final step in the electron transport chain What will happen to human red blood cells if they are placed in an isotonic solution containing cyani?

The cells will probably be unaffected.

Where are the enzymes of the Krebs cycle located?

Matrix of the mitochondria

What is amygdalin at room temperature?

Amygdalin is a glycocide -- a compound comprised of a sugar bonded to an inorganic molecule. In the case of amygdalin, the bonded molecule is cyanide. Typically, it's not a temperature change that releases the bonded cyanide, but an enzyme reaction. Quite a few plants create amygdalin, presumably as a toxin to inhibit predation.