

How does xylem differ from phlegm?

Updated: 10/31/2022
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8y ago

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Xylem is a one way flow

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Q: How does xylem differ from phlegm?
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How does the structure of xylem and phloem vessels differs microscopically?

differ in such a way that xylem transport water while phloem transport food and nutrients

How does a vascular plants xylem differ from its phloem?

Only flows in one direction

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Why does a plant's transport of sugar differ from it's transport of water?

Water is transported in Xylem vessels and sugar is transported in the phloem

How do primary on secondary xylem differ in origin?

The Vascular Cambium adds cells on both sides, producing secondary Xylem toward the inside of the stem This is true for most vascular plants except for the order Myrtales that has phloem on both sides of the xylem. The cambium structure is quite different in this order.

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The vascular plants are differentiated in to root and shoot having conducting tissue in the form of xylem and phloem whereas mosses and liverworts have rhizoides in place of roots and lack xylem and phloem.

How does xylem differ from pholem?

Xylem is the complex tissue of plants that helps in the transportation of water and nutrients in the plant. Phloem refers to the living tissue which helps in the transportation of food and organic materials in the plant.

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What is the sentence of phlegm?

I have a cough then suddenly, the phlegm was blocking my throat.

Where does the phlegm go if you swallowed it?

Phlegm will go into your stomach and the acid in your stomach will dispose of it naturally, just the way it does when you swollow food. It is not harmful to swallow phlegm.

Long tubes that transport water from the roots to the leaves?

it's called "xylem" your welcome

How many types of elements together make up the xylem tissue?

In Angiosperms , it is xylem vessels ( proto and meta xylem together ) , Xylem sclerenchyma and xylem parenchyma ; together form Xylem tissue ( That is why xylem is called a compound tissue ). In Gymnosperms , xylem vessels are replaced by Xylem tracheids . All other tings are almost the same .