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wolves adapt in the winter by growing thick fur so rthat

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They adapt to the cold weather because their fur helps them keep warm!

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they hibernate or take other animals food

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Q: How have wolves adapted to the temperate deciduous forest?
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How do wolves react to hot and cold?

Wolves are very well adapted to cold weather. They have thick fur coats to keep them warm and big padded feet to help them move over snow and keep their feet warm. They are less well adapted to the heat - they often spend much of the summer sleeping.

An example of predator-prey of deciduous forest?

preys are deer, elk. Pradetors are leopards, cheetahs. I hope this helps because I don't want you to suffer from not finding the answer to this question like me because I am doing a project on the Tropical Rain forest biome and I am suffering and this project is a 100 point project So it is really important to me and if you can help me on thj

How does the migration of salmon link ecosystems that are vast distance apart?

The migration of salmon is when bears or wolves deposit the dying or dead salmon to the ocean into the forest. Salmon's migrate in the ocean to the forest. It links the nutrients. The nutrient in the ocean to the forest. I hope I cleared your Q.

What types of plants are in temperate woodlands and shrubland?

The most common primary consumers include small rodents such as shrews, mice, and voles as well as larger animals such as the black-tailed dear. Others include squirrels, chipmunks and seed eating birds. The most common secondary consumers include frogs, weasels, badgers, coyotes, raccoons, owls, foxes, and sometimes beavers. The tertiary consumers include bears, wolves, lynxes, and cougars.

What happened to the number of wolves on isle royale between 1975 to 1985?

If there are less moose, then there will be less wolves because there isn't as much prey. If there are more moose, then there will be more wolves since there is an increase in prey.

Related questions

What adaptations do omnivores have to have to survive in the temperate forest?

Many animals are well adapted in the temperate deciduous forest , many animals thrive on berries, nuts, and seeds that are abundant in the deciduous forest. predators such as wolves, snakes, and hawks have a wide variety of smaller animals such as wood mice, squirrels , and chipmunks to prey apon.

Do wolves live in the deciduous forest?

No they prefer wide open places

In what type of biome does a wolf live?

Wolves live in a variety of biomes including deserts, taiga, deciduous forests, grasslands, and even in the tundra.

Do wolves eat meat in the temperate forest?

Wolves eat anything they can catch.

Who lives in the deciduous forest?

Animals such as deer, wolves, owls, squirrels, red tailed-hawks, and wood peckers live in the deciduous forest.

What is the gray wolf's biome?

Boreal Forest Temperate Deciduous Forest Temperate Grassland

What is an example of a autotroph in the temperate forest?

Decomposers in a temperate deciduous forest are: Fungi, Bacteria, Earth Worms, Fly maggots.

Do wolves live In temperate forests?

Commonly woods with thick undergrowth, but also wetland areas, meadows, tundra particularly in Labrador, and sometimes disturbed sites near human activity.

What types of animals are there in the deciduous forest?

Wolves,bears,deer,rabbits,skunks,squirrels,chipmunks,birds,racoons,hedgehogs,foxes,bats(if there r caves) and a load of other animals on google images type in forest animals.

Do other animals ever kill deer?

Yeah, a whole bunch of animals kill deer! Tigers, humans, wolves, and other forest adapted carnivores.

Why black bears live in deciduous forest?

Bears are known to live in deciduous forests. Different types of bears that live in these biomes are black, grizzly, brown, and Kodiak.

How do wolves adapt to the temperate grassland biome?

a way