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From chlorophyll

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Q: How is light obsorbed during photosynthesis?
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What is the light trapper in photosynthesis?

the leaves of a plant absorb the light during photosynthesis

What cell is used to trap light during photosynthesis?

A plant cell is used to trap light during photosynthesis.

What molecule is during the light reaction of photosynthesis of release oxygen?

Water is the molecule that is split during the light reaction of photosynthesis when releasing oxygen.

What Organelles in plants that convert light energy to food during photosynthesis are?

Chloroplasts convert light energy to food during photosynthesis in plants.

What organelles in plants convert light energy to food during photosynthesis are?

Chloroplasts convert light energy to food during photosynthesis in plants.

What thing is absorbed by chlorophyll during photosynthesis?

Light is absorbed during photosynthesis. (That's the meaning of photo!)

What happends during the process of photosynthesis?

During the process of photosynthesis, light energy is converted to chemical energy.

What traps light during photosynthesis?


What traps light energy during photosynthesis?

the answer is chloroplasts

What reaction during photosynthesis is light is light-independent?


What molecule is split during the light reactions of photosynthesis to release oxygen?

Water is the molecule that is split during the light reaction of photosynthesis when releasing oxygen.

What molecule is split during the light reactions photosynthesis to release oxygen?

Water is the molecule that is split during the light reaction of photosynthesis when releasing oxygen.