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10-12 ATP, depends if you wanna round or not.
Personally I like a nice exact 10.

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How many ATP are produced per molecule of glucose?


How many ATP are produced by the fermentation of one molecule of glucose?

2 ATP are produced in anaerobic respiration(fermentation)

How many ATP are produced in kerbs citric system?

2 ATP per glucose molecule is produced in the Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle)

How many ATP molecules could be produced per glucose molecules fed to a poisoned animal?

38 ATP molecules are produced from the break down of a gluecose molecule

How many ATP molecules are produced from the kreb cycle?

directly, without using the electron transport chain there is one ATP per turn of the Krebs cycle, and two turns per glucose molecule.

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How many ATP's come from one FADH2's?

Two ATP molecules are produced from one FADH2 going through the electron transport chain. For every NADH, three ATP molecules are produced.

How many atps are produced in alcohol fermentation?

The total amount of ATP produced during fermentation is 2 for every glucose molecule.

How many ATP molecules are produced per molecule of glucose during glycolysis?

In glycolysis two net molecules of ATP are formed. Four ATP are formed but two are required in the initial activation of glucose.

How many ATP molecules are produced per molecule of glucose are degraded during glycolisis?

4 molecules of ATP are produced per molecule of glucose in glycolysis, but 2 are needed (used, degraded, etc.) to start the reaction, so there is really only a net gain of 2 ATP in the process of glycolysis.

What is the energy When the outer phosphate group detaches from ATP?

It is an unstable bond.30.7Kj per mole of ATP is produced.

How many ATP molecules in the presence of oxygen can be produced?

In aerobic respiration, 36 or 38 molecules of ATP per molecule of glucose, depending on how many are gained through the electron transfer system.In anaerobic respiration 2 molecules of ATP per molecule of glucose, though higher yields can occur in higher temperatures (as much as 9 ATP molecules per molecule of glucose)