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I don't know man, I'm looking for the same response myself.

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11y ago

Grasshoppers have 24 chromosomes in each of their body cells.

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9y ago

The are 12 chromosomes in the body cells of a grasshopper.

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Q: How many chromosomes are there in a grasshoppers body cells?
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What did Sutton observe about the relative numbers of chromosomes in the body cells and sex cells of grasshoppers?

body cells of a grasshopper has 24 chromosomes and 12 chromosomes in the sex cells so as many body cell chromosomes you have you will have half that number of chromosomes in your sex cells.

Wheat has 42 chromosomes. How many chromosomes are in their body cells?

The 'body' cells have 42 chromosomes. The sex cells would have 21 chromosomes. 3 X 7

How many chromosomes does a body cell have?

Human body cells have 46 chromosomes.

How many chromosomes do body cells of organisms have in relationship to the sex cells of the same organism?

There are 46 chromosomes in the body cells of organisms which have a relationship with the sex cells.

How many chromosomes does guinea pig have?

Guinea pigs have 64 chromosomes in body cells and 32 chromosomes in sex cells.

How many chromosomes are in a lily of each body cell?

They have 24 chromosomes in each body cells.

How many chromosomes are in human kidney cells?

Human kidney cells are body cells, so they would have 46 chromosomes.

How many chromosomes does a tribbles body cells normally contain?

9 chromosomes

Are chromosomes and sex cells the two major cells in your body?

No. Chromosomes are parts of cells, and sex cells are just one of many types of cells.

How many pairs of chromosomes do you have in your body cells?


How many chromosomes in normal human eggs and sperm is the same as in the body cells?

There are 23 chromosomes in human egg/sperm. In other human body cells there are 46 chromosomes.

How many chromosomes do skin cells have?

In a human being, there would be 23 pairs of chromosomes, adding up to 46 chromosomes. In fact, all the body cells have this many chromosomes normally.