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a body cell has 48 chromosomes

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Q: How many chromosones does a body cell have?
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Related questions

How many chromosomes does a sperm or egg cell contain?

23 chromosones

How many chromosones are in a nucleus of a cell?

It varies from species to species in human there are 46 chromosomes (23 pairs)

What cell organelles do in cell?

what organelles do in a cell is work to make energy for the cell. The nucleus contains the chromosones x which contain the DNA.

What does organelles do in the cell?

what organelles do in a cell is work to make energy for the cell. The nucleus contains the chromosones x which contain the DNA.

What does the cell organell do?

what organelles do in a cell is work to make energy for the cell. The nucleus contains the chromosones x which contain the DNA.

When do chromosome become visible in cell?

Chromosones become visible during prophase.

Why does body mass start to level out at age 18 in females and males?

because their body chromosones require their body mass to stop at this age. males are taller because of their xy chromosones and therefore are taller but body mass still blocks at 18.

What is motosis?

In a euacarotic cell, a process of cell division that forms two new neculi, each of which has the same number of chromosones.

How many chromosones does egg cells have?


How many chromosones does a hamster have?

123 chromosomes

How many cells are in a German Shepherd?

76 Chromosones.

How many times does the cell divide during meiosos?

Chromosones are divided two times. Once during meiosis I and once during meiosis II.