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Q: How many possible genetic combinations can arise from meiosis?
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Related questions

Where do you expect genetic differences between cells to arise from mitosis or from meiosis?

That is a good question. In mitosis, you don't get regular genetic variation but chance mutations can occur. In meiosis with fertilization, you get pairing of DNA from different hosts on a regular basis. I would choose the latter.

From events during what phase do novel combinations of alleles arise?

Novel combinations of alleles arise in prophase I and metaphase I.

Do Cells arise from other cells through the process of cell division?

yes according to cell theory all cells arise by division in previously existing cells.

How do you conserve energy at home?

Arise as late as possible.

How do new traits arise to create genetic variability?

Random mutations of DNA happen and these get inserted into the gene pool as the species breed.

What ethical issues might arise when a drug company funds trials of a new drug it has developed to treat a genetic disorder?

you are in my science class.

What are parapatric species?

Species that arise due to genetic isolation such as the carrion crow (Corvus corone corone) and the hooded crow (C. c. cornix)

What is a potential health problem that could arise from genetic engineering?

Sample answer: Engineered traits such as herbicide resistance could transfer to weeds and create "superweeds."

What causes hydroencephaly?

Hydrocephaly can arise from an inherited genetic deformity as a congenital condition. Acquired hydrocephaly happens sometime during birth or a point afterward.

Is vitiligo caused by diabetes?

The cause of vitiligo is unknown, but research suggests that it may arise from autoimmune, genetic, oxidative stress, neural, or viral causes.

Why are roses different colors?

Because of mutations that arise during meiosis.

What term describes species which arise in non-overlapping geographic regions?

The term that describes species which arise in non-overlapping geographic regions is allopatric speciation. This occurs when a physical barrier separates a population, leading to genetic divergence and the formation of new species.