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Q: How many mitotic cell divisions would it take for one zygote to grow in an organism with 100 trillion cells?
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How many cells will there be after 7 successive mitotic divisions of a zygote?


How many cells will there be after 8 successive mitotic divisions of a zygote?

After 8 successive mitotic divisions of a zygote, there will be 256 cells. Each mitotic division doubles the number of cells, so if the zygote starts with 1 cell, it will be divided into 2, then 4, then 8, and so on, until reaching 256 cells after 8 divisions.

The series of cellular divisions by which the zygote becomes a multicellular embryo is known as?

The answer is Cleavage because Cleavage is the first mitotic divisions of the zygote. There is an increase in the number of cells but a decrease in size of the individual cells.

What only takes place in the reproductive tissues of an organism and during it a single cell goes through two cell divisions?


What only takes place in the reproductive tissue of an organism and during it a single cell goes through two cell divisions?


How many cells will there be after 5 successive mitotic divisions of a zygote?

32. Division 1- 2 Division 2- 4 Division 3- 8 Division 4- 16 Division 5- 32

Growth of the zygote and other stages of an animal's life happens by mitotic cell division?

zygote always undergoes mitotic division and all other vegitative cells undergo mitosis meiosis takes place in sex cells

The first mitotic division in the zygote occurs as soon as?

Within a half hour after fertilization.

Is a zygote a two-celled embryo?

No. The term zygote refers to a much broader period at the earliest stages of an organism's development, from the first fusion of sperm and egg to (form a single celled zygote) through many cell divisions (producing a multi-celled zygote) which matures into a blastocyst. So, zygotes can be one celled, two celled, or many celled.

What is the order of these mitotic stages?

1.) fertilization of egg by sperm 2.) mitotic cell division of zygote 3.) differentiation of cells into tissues 4.) organ development

How many cells are in the human body at birth?

As HUMANS, stem cells as they develop into our own specialised cells, as all animals start off as a fertilised egg, and it is our genetics that transform our stem cells into the many different specialised cells we need as humans.

An animal zygote divides to form a what?

After the zygote forms, its cells divide until they form a hollow ball of cells called a Blastula.