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Within a half hour after fertilization.

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Q: The first mitotic division in the zygote occurs as soon as?
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A zygote undergoes its first mitotic division or cleavage and becomes a two-celled embryo?

about 30-36 hours after fertilization

The series of cellular divisions by which the zygote becomes a multicellular embryo is known as?

The answer is Cleavage because Cleavage is the first mitotic divisions of the zygote. There is an increase in the number of cells but a decrease in size of the individual cells.

How much time passes between fertillization and the first division of the zygote?

the zygote helps it repouduce

When does the second mitotic division occur in the egg?

after the first and before the third

What happens first mitotic cell division in a testis or the process of fertilization?

the cell changes

How does the arrangement in chromosomes at meta phase differ in mitotic division and the first division?

in meiotic cell division the chromosomes are not aligned in the middle like meta phase.

How many mitotic divisions to get 10 cells?

At least four. First division produces two cells. Second division produces four. Third division produces eight cells. Fourth division produces sixteen cells. If out of these eight cells of third mitotic division only two cells divide further then we will have 10 cells.

What is a zyzote?

A zygote is the first diploid cell that is formed by the fusion of male and female gametes resulting in the formation of an embryo. The zygote stage development occurs in the first week of fertilization

Is it true the differentiation process begins with the very first cell division after the formation of the zygote?


When does the first mitotic division occur in zygotes?

You remain as a single cell for about 1/2 hour

What comes first gastrula or blastula?

Blastula occurs first and then gastrula. The zygote turns into a morula through clevage and then blastula occurs. Just remember it as the morula BLASTing.

What is a fertilized egg cell called when it divides?

It is called a morula, and consists of the first 16 cells from the division of the zygote (fertilized egg). The individual undifferentiated cells are known as blastomeres, and form a hollow structure called a blastocyst. Once differentiation of cells occurs, the structure is simply called an embryo, and later a fetus.