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the calvin cycle uses 6 molecules of carbon dioxide to produce a singe 6carbon sugar molecule

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Q: How many molecules of high-energy sugars are produced as a result of one Calvin cycle?
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What is the main result of the reactions of the Calvin cycle?

The Calvin Cycle uses ATP and NADPH from light-dependent reactions to produce high-energy sugars.

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Both glycolysis and the citric acid cycle (Kreb) produce 2 ATP by substrate level phosphorylation, resulting in a net of 4 ATP.

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Two, net.

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36 molecules of ATP are produced from one molecule of glucose as a result of aerobic cellular respiration.

What molecule is produced as a result of the hydrogen leaking back through the membrane?

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How are the 36 ATP produced in cellular respiration?

There are 2 ATP molecules produced in Glycolysis and another 2 in Krebs cycle ans 32 ATP molecules in Electron Transport Chain so... 32+2+2=36

What happens to the molecules formed during glycolysis?

The reaction varies under oxidizing vs un-oxidizing conditions. In one, the molecule ADP is produced with other molecules and gives muscles their energy. under reducing condition the result is ketone.

How do ions become molecules?

Ions and molecules are the results of two different types of bonds. Ions are the result of ionic bonds and molecules are the result of covalent bonds.