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Q: How many ribosomes would you expect there to be in a pancreatic cell?
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What organelles would you expect there to be a lot of if the cell made a lot of protein?

You would expect to see a large number of ribosomes (or rough ER) and mitochondria. Ribosomes are the site of protein synthesis, and mitochondria are the site of cellular respiration. In a cell actively creating a product, you would expect more mitochondria in order to meet the energy needs of the cell and rapid utilization of ameno acids for protein synthesis

What specialized organelle would you expect to find in a potato cell?

The specialized organelle found in a potato cell is an amyloplast. It is responsible for the synthesis and storage of starch granules.

Why would a cell have free ribosomes?

Free Ribosomes make proteins that funciton within the the Cytosol.

Would cell die if they didn't have ribosomes?


Why cant you live without Ribosomes?

because ribosomes they produce the proteins and without protein we would start to slowly die

What would happen to a cell did not contain functional ribosomes?

Is a newly created cell does not contain functional ribosomes the cell would be considered a deformity. This type of cell development can cause deformities in physical features, as well as, mental capabilities.

What makes the proteins for the cell?


The largest number of bound ribosomes most likely would be found in a cell?

Yes. Ribosomes are the organelles responsible for manufacturing proteins in a cell. Therefore, if a cell is producing a large amount of protein, it is probable that the cell has many ribosomes.

Can a cell function without Ribosomes?

Well I would assume no. Since ribosomes help produce polypeptides and proteins and these are essential to the cell, the cell would die without them. This can be further proved by the fact that all cells, prokaryotes and eukaryotes, have ribosomes.

Which organelle would you expect to find in plant cell but no animal cell?

The organelle that you would expect to find in a plant cell but not animal cell is the centrosomes.

What would happen to the cell membrane if ribosomes are not working?

There would be no protein synthesis.

Does a eukrayotic cell have ribosomes?

Yes eukaryotes such as animal cell have ribosomes.