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11y ago

Some dry dehiscent fruits having seeds equipped with single or double wings, hair parashutes or pappus are ejected from the fruit on maturity become air born and are carried to distant places as various means of seed dispersal. Examples are pinus seed, Calotropis seed, Seeds from many plants of the Family Bignoniaceae.

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Q: How many ways do plants spread their seeds by wind?
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How do animals assist plants?

More ways than this, but we help them spread their seeds further.

Ways plants reproduce?

With seeds

What ways do plant seeds or spores spread about?

from the wind

How are the seeds are spread?

Human intervention, water flow, wildlife dispersal and wind currents are ways that seeds of weeds spread.

What are the 3 ways a plant can spread seeds and how?


Do people use plants?

yes, in many ways such as : to feed eachother, to produce more seeds, ect.

What are ways seeds can spread and grow?

wind flood animals explosion

3 ways seeds are spread apart?

* Wind * Insects * Water

How seeds dispensed?

Seeds for plants are dispensed in a variety of ways. Fruit-bearing plants dispense their seeds into fruit so animals will spread the seeds far. Some seeds, especially in tall grasses, will attach to fur and clothing to be carried away and replanted, some are carried away in pine cones, others have 'wings' or someway to float away by the wind, an example would be the dandelion.

What are the ways to spread greenery?

We should grow plants and tress that is the way to spread greenery .

Why do most plants produced many more seeds than will ever become adult plants?

It is a numbers game. Most plants produce more seeds than are likely to become adult plants BECAUSE so many seeds fail to grow to adulthood. If they did not overproduce, the species would die out. In fact, one way to measure the "effectiveness" of a plant's seeds is to look at how many it produces. Plants that produce the most seeds in comparison with the seed survival rate are those that have ineffective seeds. Plants that produce fewer seeds generally have more effective ways of ensuring that the seed survives to produce the next generation of plants. Some of the ways that plants use to increase the effectiveness of their seeds are by protecting them with shells (so that they are resistant to the weather), making them larger (so that they have a lot of stored food to give them a good start), making them taste good to birds (so they will be eaten and deposited along with fertilizer).

What do plants make to reproduce something?

Plants reproduce and make new plants by seeds: They get planted or settle in an area and then grow to new plants. Seeds are not the only ways plants reproduce and make new plants. Some plants use bulbs, branches, pollen,etc.