

How was polydactyly discovered?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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Polydactyl was discovered in 1744 in Pennsylvania. A man named Samuel King and his wife passed the gene through generations of offspring.

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Who discovered polydactyly?

Tyler Steven Hayden discovered polydactyly.

Who is Tyler Steven Hayden?

Tyler Steven Hayden is the man who discovered Polydactyly syndrome

When was polydactyly discovered?

Polydactyly was first mentioned in the bible. This condition of having more than five fingers or toes on one hand or foot is most common among the Amish people.

What are the effects of polydactyly on the human body?

There are no symptoms for Polydactyly. It's not something people can control. It usually isnt discovered in a child until birth, if they have more than five toes or fingers.

If both parents are heterozygous for polydactyly what percentage of offspring will exhibit polydactyly?


When does polydactyly occur?

Polydactyly and syndactyly can occur simultaneously when extra digits are fused

How is Polydactyly treated?

Polydactyly can be corrected by surgical removal of the extra digit or partial digit

What are polydactyly and syndactyly?

Polydactyly is the term for the presence of extra fingers. Syndactyly is the term for fused fingers.

Is polydactyly common in men or women?

Polydactyly is more common in men, because it is a genetic disorder. Because females have 2 X chromosomes, a recessive trait passed down on one will be covered by the dominant trait on their other X chromosome for no polydactyly. Males though, have an X and Y chromosome which means that that the Y chromosome, carrying no trait for polydactyly, will not affect an X chromosome with the allele for polydactyly. Hence, polydactyly is found in men more than women.

Is there a way to detect a carrier of polydactyly?

Polydactyly can be diagnosed by external observation, x ray, and fetal sonogram

Can scans cause polydactyly?

No. Polydactyly is purely an autosomal dominant genetic disorder and cannot be caused by any environmental stress.

Is the presence of a sixth digit?
