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Fish would die or would have adapted to freeze for a few months. : -}

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If ice sank and lakes froze from the bottom up, the entire ecosystem of the lake would be disrupted. Organisms that rely on cooler temperatures at the bottom of the lake would be exposed to freezing conditions, potentially leading to mass die-offs. The mixing of water layers during freezing would also stir up sediment, affecting nutrient cycling and clarity of the water.

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Q: How would life in a lake be affected if ice sank and lakes froze from the bottom up?
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Which cell populations would be most affected by mitochondrial cytopathies?

Cells with high energy demands such as muscle cells, nerve cells, and cells in the heart would be most affected by mitochondrial cytopathies, as they rely heavily on mitochondrial function to generate energy in the form of ATP. Dysfunction in mitochondria would lead to impaired energy production, causing symptoms related to these tissues.

A student wants to do scientific research on how aquatic plants in lakes have changed over time what field of science does this research mostly involve?

This research would mostly involve the field of ecology, specifically aquatic ecology. The student would be studying the interactions between aquatic plants and their environment in lakes over time to understand how and why these plants have changed.

How do you recognize a pedigree for an x-linked recessive allele in human beings?

In a pedigree for an X-linked recessive allele in human beings, you would expect to see the allele predominantly affecting males, as they only have one X chromosome. Females would typically only be carriers, unless they inherit the allele from both parents. The trait often skips generations in females and can be passed from carrier females to their sons.

What would happen if you froze a living person in a block of ice?

Freezing a living person in a block of ice would cause their bodily functions to cease, leading to death. Ice crystals would form within the body, damaging cells and tissues irreversibly. This process, known as cryogenic freezing, is not a viable or ethical method for preserving life.

What would be least affected by defective receptor proteins on a cell membrane?

The transport of nutrients and waste across the cell membrane would be least affected by defective receptor proteins. This is because transport proteins, not receptor proteins, are primarily responsible for moving molecules across the cell membrane.

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Why is it a good thing that ice forms on the top of water first?

if it froze from the bottom up, it would not be able to melt (like in deep lakes) and the life on the bottom of the lake, pond etc. would die.

How would life in a lake be affected ice sank and lakes froze from the bottom up?

If ice sank and lakes froze from the bottom up, it would disrupt the natural order of ecosystems within the lake. This could lead to fish and other aquatic species struggling to survive, as the oxygen and nutrients they rely on would be depleted. The lack of mixing in the water column could also result in decreased biodiversity and changes in overall ecosystem health.

If water contracted as it froze what would happen to earth?

If water contracted as it froze, ice would be denser than liquid water, causing it to sink. This would lead to ice forming at the bottom of bodies of water first, resulting in a quicker formation of ice cover on the surface. This may impact aquatic life and the circulation of nutrients in water bodies.

How can you use froze in a sentence?

Froze is the past tense of freeze. An example sentence would be: She left her cup in the snow and it froze.

What would happen if water froze at 31 degrees?

If water froze at 31 degrees Fahrenheit instead of 32 degrees, it would mean that ice would form at a slightly warmer temperature. This would have impacts on natural processes like the freezing of lakes and rivers, potentially affecting ecosystems and water availability. It may also have broader implications for climate patterns and weather systems.

How would lakes oceans and the atmosphere be affected if water had different freezing and boiling points?

Lakes and oceans would be effected because if the boiling point changed, the water could evaporate...not sure about the atmosphere. Sorry!

What is the simple past tense of freeze?

The past form of "freeze" would be "froze."

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Plants do not get as cold

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Ice is less dense than water so it floats on water. This is useful because it insulates the remainder of the water but also means that aquatic life will not die as they would if water froze upwards.