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Whether xanthoproteic acid is or is harmful to the body

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Q: How xanthoproteic acid affect on protein?
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What is a xanthoprotein?

A xanthoprotein is a protein formed when xanthoproteic acid contacts epithelial cells.

In xanthoprotein what is the chemical explanation for a positive reaction?

The reaction of a protein (with aromatic rings) with nitric acid produce the yellow xanthoproteic acid.

What are the results when vasopressin is tested with xanthoproteic?

xanthoproteic test is used to detect the presence of aromatic amino acid in this nitration of an benzee ring with nitric acid takes place.

Do sweets affect uric acid?

Uric acid levels in the blood result from protein consumption; sweets contain very little protein and therefore do not affect uric acid.

Why amino acids give yellow colour with nitric acid?

In this reaction the yellow xanthoproteic acid is formed.

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The order of amino acids can affect the protein's shape.

What are the principles involved in xanthoproteic test?

The xanthoproteic test is a test for the detection of proteins. If proteins are present, concentrated nitric acid reacts with the proteins to form a yellow color that turns orange-yellow by the addition of alkali. This is called the xanthoproteic reaction.

What is the chemical equation of xanthoproteic test?

There is no set chemical formula for xanthroproteic acid. It is a yellow nitrophenyl complex that is derived from proteins when they are treated with nitric acid.

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How does acid rain affect protein shapes and interactions?

research it yourself research it yourself

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Xenodocheionology has 17 letters and means "the history or lore of inns and hotels."

Why does mrna mutation affect the amino acid sequence?

The codon UGU codes for the amino acid Cysteine. The codon UGG codes for the amino acid Tryptophan. Therefore the mutation will cause the amino acid Cysteine to be replaced with Tryptophan. These amino acids are quite different, and the final shape of the protein could be changed as a result. This could affect the function of the protein.