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The fruiting body of a fungus is the reproductive structure growing from the mycelium in the soil beneath it.

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9y ago

The fruiting body of a fungus is the reproductive structure growing from the mycelium in the soil beneath it.

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Q: Hyphae and mycelium are body structures of what?
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The tangled mass that makes up the body of a fungus is the?

Hyphae or Mycelium.

What masses of the filaments known as a hyphae called?

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A mass of intertwined fungal threads composes a?

The thread like structures found in some fungi are a kind of tubes (filaments with openings on the cell walls) that allow cytoplasm to move between the different cells of a multicelular fungus.

What is the body of the fungus called?

The body of a fungus is commonly called the mycelium. It grows underground and most cells within a fungus are called haploids.

Is it true that the body of a fungus usually consists of a mass of many-celled threadlike tubes called hyphae?

Yes. The whole fungus is made of hyphae or modified hyphae.

Hyphae are thread-like filaments which from networks called a mycelium?

Somebody has to answer this question, for there is no answer for it and I don't know it neither. Edited answer: Micorhizal association

What is mycelium made of?

Hyphae are made of membranes and cytoplasm.

Are mushrooms and fungus the same thing?

Hyphae are long thread-like structures of fungi. This collective mass of hyphae filaments are called the mycelium. In a fungus, the mycelium's function is to take in nutrients from its surrounding environment.

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Individual filaments make up mycelium?


The thread-like structures which are the building blocks of fungi are called?

Thread like structures in fungi are called hyphae .

What is a twisted mass formed when hyphae grow together?

i believe the answer is mycelium