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It depends, if there is no growth or colony appearance on streak line and only it shows growth in b/w the streak line then it is certainly a contamination and if there are colonies on streak line and not ressemble with the streak culture then also it is a contamination but there can be a chance that colony appears due to some fault in streaking procedure and the inoculum drops between the streak line so it depends.

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Q: If an inoculated plate had colonies between the streak lines what would you conclude?
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Where should colonies appear in the case of streak plates?

When using streak plates, the colonies should appear along the streak lines. This is where the bacteria have been introduced and is the first place they will grow.

Why use a streak plate to grow a bacterium?

You do a streak plate in order to get isolated colonies. If you inoculate into a slant, you have less surface area to work and less chance of getting isolated colonies. In broth, you'll definitely get growth but you won't know WHAT is growing. You go back into each quadrant (a little) with your loop in order to "dilute" the bacteria and get colonies. Quadrant 1 is pretty think (like a smear on the plate) but by the time you get to Quadrants 3 and 4, you should see more defined colonies and not just a film of bacteria.

Why are agar plates dried before being used for the preparation of dilution streak plates?

perhaps it is easier to streak that way, i mean when the agar is set and dry. .

What advantage does the streak plate method have over the pour plate method?

A disadvantage of the streak plate technique could be colony isolation problems. If the streaking technique is not done properly or if there is too much of an organism present on the inoculating loop then the cells can cluster and form what looks like one colony but it can actually be a couple colonies (made from a couple cells). This can cause an inaccurate colony forming unit count.

How would you determine whether a colony was a contaminant on a streak plate?

One to determine whether a colony on a streak plate is a contaminant is by observing whether it is located along the streak lines. Another is to compare the size, shape, texture and color of the colony against an uncontaminated sample to see if it matches previous ones. Anything growing beyond streak lines and outside of the expected pattern of growth is an obvious contaminant.

Related questions

Why do streak plates need to be dry before inoculated?

If by inoculated you mean used, here is my answer if that is true; streak plates need to be dry because the powder left behind may react and change color to whatever that liquid is on the streak plate.

How you differentiate between Transformed bacterial colonies and satellite colonies?

Re-streak the center of the 'star' colony (transformed surrounded by satellites) on a plate contains the antibiotic, typically ampicillin. The colonies in the tertiary streak will most likely be the transformants. If you want to be quite sure, pick a single colony from the tertiary streak and re-streak again on a plate containing the antibiotic.

Where should colonies appear in the case of streak plates?

When using streak plates, the colonies should appear along the streak lines. This is where the bacteria have been introduced and is the first place they will grow.

Why must have 4 part in streaking technique?

so that you can get isolated colonies in the last streak . . . As you streak contineously you inoculum quantity decreases . . there by when you reach the end of last streak you get separate and isolated colonies . .

What will happen if the streak plate were incubated a month?

The streak lines would show a lot of colonies.

Predict the outcome of incubating inoculated streak and pour plates in the upright rather than the inverted position?

it will not minimize water evaporation, and it would be easier for contamination to take place

Why would bacterial colonies found in the first section of a streak plate but not on sections two and three?

why could bacterial colonies found in the first section of a streak plate but not on sections two and three

Why the inoculated agar medium plate must be inverted position in incubator?

Moisture in the air condenses on the lid of the plate and drops on top the agar if the plates are place right way up. The falling water droplets will spread the bacteria and especially ruin streak plates and spead plates where you need clear distict separate colonies.

How streak is used to distinguish between gold and pyrite?

Gold will have a yellow metallic streak, pyrite will have a greenish-black streak.

Why do you invert a Agar plate when incubating?

1. What is the purpose of inverting inoculated plates during incubation?2. Where should colonies appear in the case of : a. Streak plate b. pour plates3. Indicate the temperature ranges for the following microbial categories.a. psychropiles b. mesophiles c. thermopiles4. What factors could account for an absence of growth on a pour plate?5. What factors could account for an absence of growth on a streak plate?6. What explanations could be given for the failure of obtaining isolated colonies on a streak plate?7. Gelatin and Agar comparison:a. Chemical composition b. temperature required for melting and solidifyc. Possibility of enzymatic attack by bacteria, Yes or No.

What is the difference in streak between gold and Fool's Gold?

Gold will have a gold metallic streak, and Fool's Gold (pyrite) will have a greenish black streak.

What is the main advantage of T streak?

The main advantage of T- streak method: 1. To get a very good isolated colonies.2. To obtain pure culture from mixed culture.