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It needs to refract the light into the eye.

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be prescribed by an optometrist or an ophthalmologist. The prescription takes into account the individual's specific vision needs, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness. Wearing the correct prescription lenses helps to correct the refractive errors in the person's eyes and improves their ability to read and focus on objects at close distances.

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Q: If people need to wear eyeglasses to help them read the lenses in the glasses need to?
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What are some uses of contact lenses?

The purpose is that you don't wanna have glasses or you want your eyes to be a different type of color.

What type of eyeglass lenses can help correct myopia?

The type of eyeglasses that correct myopia are called concave lenses, in other words, the center of the glasses are thinner than the outer part.

Why are lenses useful?

If you are talking about lenses glasses. They help people see long distance or short

Are there any eyeglass lenses that help with night blindness?

Yes, you have a few options that help with night blindness. You can get special driving glasses, the lenses can be gradient tinted which lets the driver filter out the glare. You can also wear eyeglasses with a circle of black tape on the inside of the lens of the affected eye.

How did the people without eyeglasses live?

They just don't see very well. There are millions in the world who need glasses, but can't get them. You can donate frames to help get glasses to people who aren't able to have them.

When were the first eyeglasses made?

== == The ancestry of eyeglasses dates back to 4 BC, when people utilized water to magnify items for clearer viewing. The modern framed eyeglasses were known to exist as early as 1285, then referred to as "spectacles". By definition, eyeglasses are devices used to correct impaired vision, be it farsighted or nearsighted. Today, eyeglasses are prescribed lenses fitted on a frame to that rest on the bridge of your nose.One of the first people to wear "glasses" was Roman emperor Nero. He used a carved piece of emerald to help him see lions tearing apart people in the Roman games.

What do the eyeglasses do for the people?

Eyeglasses help people see more clearly, however they are not for everyone. Only people with vision problems wear eyeglasses, such as myself. Because people have all kinds of different vision problems different prescriptions are assigned to the persons specific needs. If you wear glasses that don't belong to you are are the wrong prescription you will damage your own eyes and you yourself will require glasses.

How was the invention of the glasses important to society?

Glasses are important to society because they help improve people's eyesight. The lenses are custom made to a person's eye's.

How do bifocal contact lenses work?

Contact lenses is another way to correct vision besides wearing glasses. I am nearsighted and can't see anything without my glasses. It corrects my vision and I don't have to worry about having my glasses break

When were the first reading glasses made?

There is really no distinction to be made between reading glasses used to treat presbyopia and eyeglasses used to treat hyperopia (farsightedness). Both conditions require convex lenses, and convex lenses were the first lenses to be invented. Anyway, it seems they were used around 5 BC, but not so much as eyeglasses. The first eye correction used was in the form of small globes filled with water, while royalty used precious stones to help them see. More practical eyeglasses didn't appear until the 1200's in Italy. Bifocals were invented sometime in the 1700's, and Benjamin Franklin in the US was one of the inventors.

How do the lenses in eyeglasses help people to read?

Eyeglasses work by bending light rays in the eyes of those who can't see well so that they reach the back of the eye properly (called the retina). When the light rays reach the appropriate part of your eyes you see better.

What are some uses of lenses?

It's to magnify things and tp minimize them too. THey are used in glasses and contact lenses to help your sight.