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People with type A blood can give blood to people with type A or type AB, but you do need to take the Rh factor into consideration. The Rh factor is what makes a person have type A+ or type A-, etc. There are also other types of very rare antigen in the blood that make up the other blood type which is beyong the scoop of discussion here.

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If someone's blood cells have type A antigens, they have blood type A.

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Q: If someones blood cells have type A antigens what type of blood do they have?
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What are the A B AB and O blood groups distinguished by?

The ABO blood group system classifies blood based on the presence or absence of certain antigens on the surface of red blood cells. Type A blood has A antigens, type B blood has B antigens, type AB blood has both A and B antigens, and type O blood has neither A nor B antigens.

What are antigens determining blood type carried on?

Antigens determining blood type are carried on the surface of red blood cells. These antigens are proteins or sugars that can trigger an immune response if they are not recognized by the body's immune system.

What are The blood proteins A and B?

The blood proteins A and B are antigens found on the surface of red blood cells that determine blood type. Individuals with blood type A have A antigens, while individuals with blood type B have B antigens. Blood type AB individuals have both A and B antigens.

What cells marks antigens?

the t type white blood cells

Does a person with type O blood have A or B antigens on the red blood cell?

A person with type O blood does not have A or B antigens on their red blood cells. Type O blood has neither A nor B antigens present on the surface of the red blood cells.

Does Type B blood have A antigens?

No, type B blood does not have A antigens. Type B blood has B antigens.

A persons blood type depends on the presence or absence of certain proteins called?

A person's blood type depends on the presence or absence of certain proteins called antigens on the surface of red blood cells. These antigens determine whether a person's blood type is A, B, AB, or O.

Type B whole blood contains antigens and?

Type B whole blood contains antigens on the surface of red blood cells that correspond to the B blood type. These antigens can provoke an immune response if transfused into a person with a different blood type.

How is it possible to determine blood types from other body cells such as cheek cells or skin cells?

Blood type is determined by the presence or absence of specific antigens on red blood cells. These antigens are not only present on red blood cells but also on other body cells, including cheek cells and skin cells. By analyzing the presence of these antigens on these cells, blood type can be determined.

What is the blood type that contains antigens a and b?

The blood type that contains antigens A and B is AB. This blood type has both A and B antigens on the surface of its red blood cells.

What does having type A blood mean?

Type A has B-antigens on the outside of the blood cells. Type AB has both A or B Anti-gens on the blood cells. Type O has neither on the outside of the blood cells. Antigens detect what type of blood cells surround them. If type A came into contact with type B they would create a clump. For this reason type AB blood can recieve blood from ANY blood type but only give to type AB.

Where are the blood antigens A B Rh located?

Blood antigens A and B are located on the surface of red blood cells, while the Rh antigen (Rh factor) is also found on the surface of red blood cells. These antigens determine an individual's blood type.