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Food doesn't digeset in your mouth. It digests in your stomache. Food doesn't digeset in your mouth. It digests in your stomache.

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Q: If you eat a piece of pepperoni and mushroom pizza which part of the pizza will begin the process of digestion in your mouth?
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Related questions

Where does the process of digestion begin and where does most of digestion of food take place?


Where does the digestion process begin and end?

Digestion begins in the mouth and ends in the large intestine.

Does the digestion process begin with the large intestine mouth small intestine or stomach?

The digestion process begins in the mouth.

How does the mouth begin the process of digestion of turtle?

Digestion starts when the turtle chews food in small pieces and mixes it with saliva, which has digestive enzymes in it.

When does digestion start in the human body?

The digestion process starts as soon as you put food into your mouth and begin to chew it.

The main chemical of the stomach is to begin the digestion of?

to begin the digestion of proteins

True or false digestion beings in your stomach?

False. Digestion (at least starch digestion) begins in your mouth. Saliva helps begin the break-down process as you chew. Chewing is also a means of the start of the breakdown process of food going into your GI tract.

During the process of digestion at what point does the stomach begin to release chyme?

within 15 minutes of gastrin release

Does saliva mix with food to moiston it?

Yes, it does. In fact, saliva is used to begin the digestion process in foods like carbohydrates.

Where does enzymatic digestion begin?

enzymes start the process of digestion in the mouth. they are located more specifically in saliva which is located in the salivary glands.

Where is the digestion begin?

in the mouth

Where in the body does the digestion process begin?

The digestive process begins in the oral cavity, with the mechanical breakdown of material by the teeth and tongue and some sugar breakdown through the actions of amylase in the saliva.