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Q: Immunity that is genetically determined and present at birth is called?
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Identification tags that are on red blood cells?

These tags are actually called antigens. There are several but the most familiar are used to identify blood for transfusions. These are called O, AB, B, or A and are genetically determined.

Is it true that the immunity your body develops to protect you from disease is called passive immunity?

No, that is temporary immunity received from another person or from antibodies.

What are cells called at the end of meiosis and are genetically called?

They are called daughter cells. meiosis makes 4 genetically different daughter cells.

When a child develops measles and acquires immunity to subsequent infection this type of immunity is called?


What is it called when someone is genetically identical to someone else?

When someone is genetically identical to someone else they are called twins, triplets etc.

A weakened or modified virus that is introduced into an organism to stimulate immunity is called a?

A weakened or modified virus that is introduced into an organism to stimulate immunity is called a vaccine.

What is genetically modified apple?

An apple called Arctic Apple has been genetically modified to be non-browning.

Do humans have natural immunity against Leprosy?

no. humans get leprosy all the time. it is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacteria New "Improved Answer" It is estimated that about 95% of the human population has an immunity to Leprosy. Humans do not get it all the time. But even if they did, immunities do not guarantee no one will get it. Take for example African American's higher rate of immunity to Malaria: it is the very same thing that causes a higher rate of Sickle Cell Anemia in African Americans. Immunity does not mean no one will get it. Because not all humans are the exact same, genetically... 95% source citation see Rare Diseases link.

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What kind of immunity do you receive from vaccines?

Innate immunity (also called nonspecific or natural immunity) refers to the inborn ability of the body to resist and is genetically transmitted from one generation to the next. This immunity offers resistance to any microorganism or foreign material encountered by the host. It includes general mechanisms inherited as part of the innate structure and function of each vertebrate and acts as the first line of defense. Innate immunity lacks immunological memory, i.e., it occurs to the same extent each time a microorganism or foreign material is encountered.

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