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Also, the gray matter in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.

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Q: Important synapse site for afferent fibers traveling to the sensory cortex?
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What is an important synapse site for afferent fibers traveling to the sensory cortex?

The thalamus.

What is the site of axons and afferent neurons?

AnswerThe thalamus is the important synapse site for afferent fibers traveling to the sensory cortex.

Synapse site for afferent fibers to sensory cortex?


In a three neuron reflex arc the afferent neurons synapse with?

The afferent neurons synapse with the interneuron.

What is the name of the synapse site in the brain for afferent fibers that travel to the sensory cortex?

i think it is the choroid plexus....not for sure though ---- Afferent sensory fibers (those returning to the brain from the periphery) synapse first in the posterior horn of the spinal cord, ascend one to two levels and decussate (cross over) at the anterior white commissure before their axons migrate to the anterior or lateral spinothalamic tracts. These then synapse again in the thalamus for integration before they go on to the post-central gyrus - the sensory cortex - and other sites in the cortex.

An impulse reaches the CNS from the PNS via the?

Afferent nerves

The point of communication between two neurons?

Interneurons are multipolar neurons that connects afferent and efferent neurons.

What is the majority of all afferent pathways pass through and synapse with neurons?

The motor neuron is the final common pathway for all neurons to travel to complete their synapse. Afferent neurons or unipolar neurons all pass through the cord and brain on this journey.

What interprets messages transmitted by sensory neurons?

it was the synapse

Small space between two neurons?

Part of the brain that integrates sensory information

What is any drug that inhibits transmission of sensory impulses at a synapse?


Information acquired by chemical stimull or response to the environment that is directed to the brain?

sensory or synapse