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Olfactory tracts

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Olfactory nerve to the brain's olfactory bulb, where they are processed and interpreted as specific smells. The olfactory nerve is responsible for carrying information about odors from the nose to the brain.

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Q: Impulses that stimulate the olfactory receptors are transmitted along the?
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What impulses are transmitted by the sense of smell?

The sense of smell transmits impulses that are related to detecting chemicals in the environment, such as odors and scents. These impulses are then processed by the brain to identify and interpret the various smells, triggering emotional responses and memories.

Impulses carried by the olfactory nerve are for the sense of?

Impulses carried by the olfactory nerve are for the sense of smell.

Process of smelling?

So, we just learned this in anatomy. You breathe in an odogen. The odogen binds with protein receptors in the olfcatory cilium. A potential travels on an axon the olfactory receptor cells synapsing in the olfactory bulb. Then the filaments of the olfactory nerve synapses with mitral cells causing impulses to flow from the olfactory bulbvia the olfactory tracts.

What stimulates sensory impulses at receptors?

Sensory impulses at receptors are typically stimulated by specific environmental stimuli such as light, sound, touch, temperature, or chemicals. These stimuli activate specialized receptors on sensory neurons, which then generate neural signals that are transmitted to the brain for further processing and interpretation.

What is the nerve for smell?

The olfactory nerves are cranial nerves( arise from the brain ). olfactory nerve is the first nerve among the all cranial nerves. olfactory nerves passes sense of smell through nerve impulses( chemical=neurotransmitters, and electrical signals ).

What is the pathway of smell from the olfactory receptors to the brain?

Smell molecules are detected by olfactory receptors in the nasal cavity, which send signals to the olfactory bulb in the brain. From the olfactory bulb, the signals are transmitted to the limbic system and the cerebral cortex for processing and interpretation of the smell.

What cranial nerve carries smell impulses to the brain?

The olfactory nerve, also known as the first cranial nerve, transports impulses for sense of smell to the brain. The olfactory nerve is capable of regeneration.

What type of nerve conducts impulses to the olfactory bulbs?

The olfactory nerve, also known as cranial nerve I, conducts impulses from the nose to the olfactory bulbs in the brain. It is responsible for the sense of smell.

What path does smell messages take from the nose to the brain?

Smell messages are detected by specialized cells in the nose called olfactory receptors. These receptors send signals through the olfactory nerve to the olfactory bulb in the brain, where the signals are processed and interpreted as specific smells.

Which nerve carries impulses from the cells that detect smells?

The olfactory nerve carries impulses from odor-detecting cells to the brain.

What nerve carries impulses from the nose?

Olfactory Nerve

Nerve impulses are received and transmitted to the cell body by?

Nerve impulses are received and transmitted to the cell body by dendrites, which are branched structures that extend from the cell body. Dendrites receive signals from other neurons or sensory receptors and transmit this information to the cell body for integration and processing.