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Normally in a cell, there are 92 chromatids, 2 per chromosome. However, when the chromosomes have duplicated before mitosis, there are twice as many, or 184.

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46 chromatds are present in nucleus just before cell division.

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Q: In a human nucleus just before cell division how many chromatids are present?
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The two copies of DNA on each chromosome that form just before cell division?


What are the two copies of DNA on each chromosome that form just before cell division?


What contains uncondensed chromosomes that have been duplicated?

The nucleus of a cell contains uncondensed chromosomes that have been duplicated. During the interphase of the cell cycle, before cell division, the chromosomes replicate and form sister chromatids that are still uncondensed and spread throughout the nucleus.

Before cell division begins each chromosomes consists of two identical joined chromosomes called?

sister chromatids

Which term describes two recently replicated DNA strands that are joined together just before cell division?

The term that describes two recently replicated DNA strands that are joined together just before cell division is "sister chromatids." Each sister chromatid is an identical copy of the original DNA molecule and is held together at a region called the centromere. During cell division, the sister chromatids separate and are distributed to the daughter cells.

What condenses into an X shape before mitosis?

Chromatids condense into an X shape before mitosis. Chromatids are identical strands of chromosomes. After duplication there are 12 chromatids that are in 3 pair of homologous chromosomes.

Where does Duplication of DNA takes place?

In the nucleus before cell division. The DNA is located in the nucleus to begin with, and as it is double stranded.

What is the relationship between chromosomes and chromatids?

Chromosomes are the condensed and replicated form of DNA. The two identical halves of the chromosomes are known as sister chromatids. Before division, while the chromatids are still attached, they form one chromosome. However, when anaphase (i.e the stage when chromosomes split) starts and they are separated, the two chromatids on the opposite poles of the cell become complete chromosomes.

During sister chromatids are lined up along the metaphase plate.?

At the center! Sister chromatids are identical copies of a given chromosome. before the cell divides it must first copy the entire genome. sister chromatids are shaped like > and < and are linked at the centromere. The tips are called telomeres.

A duplicated chromosome consists of two?

Two sister-chromatids.Each chromatid consists of a molecule of DNA together with associated proteins. There are two DNA molecules (sister-chromatids) following the replication of DNA midway through the preceding interphase. The sister-chromatids are therefore genetically identical.chromatidschromatidsThe two identical joined chromosomes before cell division begins is called sister chromatids.

What are chromosome pairs attached to?

Pairs of chromosomes are not attached. Before mitosis chromosomes replicate themselves, these twin identical chromosomes are attached at the centromere. before cell division the cell has 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) but has 2 copies of each individual chromosome called chromatids,(making a total of 92 chromosones, 46 for each daughter cell) which are joined at the centromere giving the characteristic X shape. Pairs are not joined, chromatids are.

During which phase of the cell cycle do chromatids form?

When a single chromosome is replicated, two sister chromatids are produced. After cell division, each of the chromatids is a chromosome for the daughter cell.