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Two sister chromatids that are connected by a centromere are identical to one another. They are duplicate copies of a chromatin.

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Q: Are the two sister chromatids that are connected by a centromere identical to one another?
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How many sister chromatids are there in a duplicated chromosomes?

2. A chromatid is basically a chromosome - its just connected to another chromatid via a centromere.

What are chromosome pairs attached to?

Pairs of chromosomes are not attached. Before mitosis chromosomes replicate themselves, these twin identical chromosomes are attached at the centromere. before cell division the cell has 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) but has 2 copies of each individual chromosome called chromatids,(making a total of 92 chromosones, 46 for each daughter cell) which are joined at the centromere giving the characteristic X shape. Pairs are not joined, chromatids are.

The centromere is a region in which?

The centromere is the most condensed and constricted region of a chromosome, to which the spindle fiber is attached during mitosis.

The chromatids detach from one another and become visibly separate chromosomes during?

The chromatids detach from one another and become visibly separate chromosomes during anaphase. Chromatids that are attached at the centromere are called sister kind of chromatids.

What is difference between chromosome and chromatids?

A chromatid is one-half of two identical copies of a replicated chromosome. During cell division, the identical copies are joined together at the region of the chromosome called the centromere. They are known as sister chromatids. Once the paired sister chromatids separate from one another in anaphase of mitosis, each is known as a daughter chromosome. [source:, see link below]

Explain how the following terms are related to one another dna centromere chromosome chromatid?

DNA is bundled up into a chromossome with could be one or two chromatids depending on where the cell is in its cell cycle (two chromatids give the chromossome that X look). Both chromatids are bound together by a centromere.

What happens to sister chromatids in meiosis?

They separate in anaphase and become chromosomes in new daughter cells

Chromatids are held together by a?

They are held together, or conjoined, at their centromeres. These quite small regions of the chromosome pairs contain a specific set or 'mix' of nucleotides that are most Happy when being 'confined' in close-quarters. Chromatin is another matter.

What is o kitetochore?

A kinetochore is another name for a centromere. A centromere is the protein structure of a cell involved in cell division.

Which letter represents the centromere?

Cetromere is generally represented by the letter K. K stands for kinetochore. Kinetochore is another word for centromere.

What's the difference between meiosis ii and mitosis?

In both cases chromosomes line up and sister chromatids are separated by the action of the spindle fibers. The daughter cells are genetically identical to one another

What can one half of a duplicated chromosome be referred as?

A chromatid is one-half of two identical copies of a replicated chromosome. During cell division, the identical copies are joined together at the region of the chromosome called the centromere.Joined chromatids are known as sister chromatids. Once the joined sister chromatids separate from one another in anaphase of mitosis, each is known as a daughter chromosome.Chromatids are formed from chromatin fibers.Bailey, Regina. "Chromatid." ThoughtCo, Apr. 17, 2017.