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The first to be observed in utero is the liver.

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The brain is the organ that grows the fastest in the early years of life, particularly during infancy and early childhood. The development of neural connections and synaptic pruning contribute to rapid brain growth during this period, as children learn and experience new things.

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Q: In early years what organ grows fastest?
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What is the definition of 'sapling'?

A sapling is a young tree that is beginning to grow. A young seedling grows into a sapling which then grows into a tree. 'Sapling' can also be used as a euphemism for a young person.

Which organ develops last in a baby?

The body is in a continuum state of reshaping: organs change all life long. During youth grow prevails against destruction, old age begins when destruction prevails (catabolism). Brain: it finishes its maturation and development at about 21 years of age. Bones: they finish to grow at puberty. And others....

Spaces or soft spots in the cranium that allow for the enlargement of the skull as brain growth occurs?

Fontanelles are spaces between the bones in an infant's skull that allow for brain growth and development. These soft spots allow the skull to expand as the brain grows rapidly in the early years of life. Fontanelles eventually close as the bones in the skull fuse together.

Hard painless white lump on the surface of your scrotom what is it its been there years?

It is recommended to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the exact cause of the lump. It could be a benign condition such as a sebaceous cyst or a pimple, but it is important to rule out more serious conditions such as testicular cancer. Early detection and treatment are key in addressing any potential health concerns.

What are the restrictions of becoming an organ donor in Australia?

In Australia, individuals must be at least 16 years old to register as an organ donor. Other restrictions include having a good medical history and not having certain medical conditions that may affect organ suitability, such as HIV or cancer. People under the age of 18 will need consent from a parent or guardian to become an organ donor.

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all of the plant grows at the same time it's not the top bottom or middle it's all of the above or if you don't know if I'm right then look it up by the way I'm 10 years old