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In electricity!

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Q: In what form does the electron transport chain appear on earth?
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What role did oxygen play in the evolution of life?

With oxygen the organisms of earth could more efficiently use food because as the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain oxygen is a main player in the conversion of, say, glucose into many ATP molecules per glucose molecule. Oxygen is the most efficient way to do this compared to fermentation which is anaerobic. Thus organisms became multicellular and much more complex with energy to become motile to a greater degree than before.

Is biomes are uniqu8e and do not appear more than once on earth?


Is the biosphere kingdom the same as the food chain?

No it is not the same. The biosphere is showing the animal(s) living on earth and curtain places. the food chain shows what dominates what.

How are reactants delivered to the cell?

Nutrients move from the blood into the muscle cells by osmosis, diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and active transport.

How can the extinction of a single species affect how an ecosystem functions?

All species have a purpose to the eco-system (Excluding Humans), due to the food chain and jobs that the species has to achieve. Here are 2 examples, one of its job, and another of a food chain: Bees are crucial to the living of earth, as they allow plants to grow using pollination, without bees earth would die out because of the lack of food for Mammal vegetarians, as this would affect Mammal herbivores because of the food chain (Herbivore eats Vegetarian) Worms die out, therefore destroying the food chain, (Worms<Birds<Large mammals<ECT... Hope I helped :)

Related questions

What role did oxygen play in the evolution of life?

With oxygen the organisms of earth could more efficiently use food because as the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain oxygen is a main player in the conversion of, say, glucose into many ATP molecules per glucose molecule. Oxygen is the most efficient way to do this compared to fermentation which is anaerobic. Thus organisms became multicellular and much more complex with energy to become motile to a greater degree than before.

The constellations you see from earth appear to change as the?

Earth revolves around the sun. That is why the constellations we see from Earth appear to change.

How many times larger is the earth than an electron?

Using the classical value for the volume of an electron, which is equal to about 9.4×10−44 m3, and the volume of the Earth, which is equal to about 108.321x1019 m3, one can calculate how big the Earth is compared to an electron: Volume of the Earth / Volume of an electron 108.321x1019 / 9.4×10−44 = 11.5x1063 Thus, the Earth is 11.5x1063 times larger than an electron In other words, the Earth is 11500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 or 11.5 thousand trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion times larger than an electron. Edit: But, nowadays scientists can't say what size an electron is. So that gets us back to "don't know" and that's definite.

What are molten substances that appear at the surface of earth?

The molten substances that appear at the surface of the earth is magma or lava

What is the heaviest transport on earth?

a rocket ship

Which group will have an electron configuration that ends in s2?

The alkaline earth elements electron structure end in s2

What mammals appear on planet earth?

Many mammals appear on planet earth. Here are some of them:oxhumanpigmonkeycatdogfoxwolfantelopeelephantpolar bearhorse

When did dolphins appear on earth?

in the afternoon

What alkaline earth metal has the largest electron affinity?


What element that increasing electron affinity?

rare earth elements

Why does venus appear to be very bright from earth?

Earth's nearest neightbor

What causes the stars in the sky to appear to be moving?

The Earth's rotation. The relation between the Earth (or a person on the Earth) and the position of the stars makes it appear that the stars are in a different position as the night progresses.