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Q: In what system would the effects of a vitamin d deficiency be most readily observed?
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List of deficiency diseases and their symptoms?

Rickets in children and osteomalacia are examples of deficiency diseases due to vitamin deficiency. Scurvy is an example of vitamin C deficiency. Beriberi is an example of vitamin B one deficiency. (Both, wet beriberi and dry beriberi.) Pellagra is an example of Niacin deficiency. Anemia is caused by deficiency of vitamin B 12 and Folic acid. Burning feet syndrome is caused by the deficiency of Pantothenic acid. Night blindness is caused by the deficiency of vitamin A. Kwashiorkor and marasmus are caused by deficiency of proteins and food, respectively. Poverty is caused by deficiency of kindness. Inequality is caused by deficiency of compassion.

What is the following is an example of disease that is directly caused by a nutritional deficiency?

The most common are:Beriberi, the deficiency of Vitamin B1 (thiamin);Pellagra, the deficiency of Vitamin B3 (niacin);Pernicious anemia, the deficiency of Vitamin B12 (folate);Scurvy, caused by the deficiency of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid);Rickets, the deficency of Vitamin D (calciferol)

What food deficiency causes scurvy?

Scurvy is caused by lack of vitamin C. I`m telling you EAT YOUR VITAMIN C.

Which of the following is caused by mineral deficiency A) beriberi B)goitre C)scurvy D)night blindness?

Beriberi is caused by thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency Goitre can be caused by iodine deficiency - although there are other potential causes. Scurvy is caused by vitamin C deficiency Night blindness (Nyctalopia) can have many different causes - but one cause is vitamin A deficiency.

Does b12 deficiency cause eye problems?

Having a deficiency in vitamin B12 could be a contributing factor of eye problems. Double vision is a certain condition that can happen because of a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Related questions

In what system would the effects of a vitamin d deficiency be most readily observed a nervous b skeletal c muscular d circulatory?


What would most readily induce a vitamin K deficiency?

Antibiotic therapy.

What are the side effects of a Vitamin B deficiency?

There are many dangerous side effects of a Vitamin B deficiency, including permanent nerve damage and destruction of parietal cells. A Vitamin B deficiency can also cause chronic gastrointestinal discomfort.

The effects of vitamin A deficiency are most severe in what population group?


What if you have increased bruising itching all over and vit d deficiencing?

The very most easy way to reduce the vitamin d deficiency and its effects is only the sunlight. Yes, sunlight is the one and only best solution to reduce the effects and deficiency of vitamin d. That too evening sunlight is more preferable to reduce the Vitamin D deficiency effects.

How is vitamin A deficiency treated?

Vitamin A deficiency can be prevented or treated by taking vitamin supplements or by getting injections of the vitamin.

What does vitamin K deficiency occur?

Newborns are especially prone to vitamin K deficiency

Which vitamin deficiency causes massive hemorrhaging in infants?

The deficiency of Vitamin K or menaquinone.

Is vitamin K deficiency common in adults?

Vitamin K deficiency in adults is rare

What is the prognosis for vitamin B6 deficiency?

The prognosis for correcting vitamin B6 deficiency is excellent

Can Vitamin C cause side effects?

Improve The first symptom that you would notice in a person with a vitamin C deficiency is bleeding gums. Lack of vitamin C causes a disease known as scurvy, which if it is not treated by vitamin C will become fatal. People cannot live without vitamin C in their diet.

List of deficiency diseases and their symptoms?

Rickets in children and osteomalacia are examples of deficiency diseases due to vitamin deficiency. Scurvy is an example of vitamin C deficiency. Beriberi is an example of vitamin B one deficiency. (Both, wet beriberi and dry beriberi.) Pellagra is an example of Niacin deficiency. Anemia is caused by deficiency of vitamin B 12 and Folic acid. Burning feet syndrome is caused by the deficiency of Pantothenic acid. Night blindness is caused by the deficiency of vitamin A. Kwashiorkor and marasmus are caused by deficiency of proteins and food, respectively. Poverty is caused by deficiency of kindness. Inequality is caused by deficiency of compassion.