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Are_bacteria_prokaryote_cells_or_eukaryote_cellsIt is a Prokaryote cell, while a bacterial cell does have a cell wall and a cell membrane, it lacks a nucleus. Organisms that lack a nucleus are called Prokaryote cells.

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Eukaryotic cells

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Q: In what type of cells prokaryotes and eukaryotes does the cell cycle occur?
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Where does the Kreb's cycle occur in prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

In prokaryotes the Krebs cycle occurs in the cytosol while in eukaryotes the Krebs cycle is performed in the mitochondrial matrix which is the space inside the inner membrane of the mitochondria

Does photophosphorylation occur in only prokaryotes?

No, it takes place in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes

What are the 2 main differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

Prokaryotes: * single-cellular * do not have membrane-bound organelles (such as mitochondria or chloroplasts) * transcription and translation of DNA can occur simultaneously due to the fact that there is no nuclear membrane Eukaryotes: * can be multi-cellular * contain membrane-bound organelles

Where does the process of making RNA from DNA occur?

nucleus for eukaryotes, cytoplasm for prokaryotes.

Are chloroplasts found in prokaryotes?

no.Prokariyotes lack any membranous organelles.Chloroplasts are only in eukariyotes

What are same between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

1) Cell walls - Most Prokaryotes and some eukaryotes (plants and fungi) have a cell wall.However, the cell walls of prokaryotes and eukaryotes, although similar in function, are made of different types of materials. 2) Cytoplasm - Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes have a fluid-like matrix that fills the cell. 3) Cytoskeleton - Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes have a supportive cytoskeleton within the cell, although this feature was only recently discovered to occur within prokaryotes. 4) Extensions of the Plasma Membrane - Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells can have thin extensions of the plasma membrane supported by elements of the cytoskeleton, including flagella and cilia in eukaryotes and flagella, endoflagella, fimbriae and pili in prokaryotes. 5) Glycocalyces - There are some prokaryotes and eukaryotes that possess a glycocalyx. These sticky sugar-based structures anchor cells to each other help cells stick to surfaces and provide some protection. 6) Plasma membranes - Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes have this lipid bilayer surrounding that represents the boundary between the inside and outside of the cell. 7) Ribosomes - These little protein factories are the cell's only non-membrane-bound organelle. Both prokayrotes and eukaryotes manufacture proteins, therefore both cell types possess ribosomes.

Where does trancription occur?

Transcription is the process of formation of RNA. It takes place in nucleus in eukaryotes and in nucleoid in bacteria or prokaryotes .

Which membrane give eukaryotes an advantage over prokaryotes in protecting their genetic material from damaging chemical changes?

Eukaryotes differ from prokaryotes mainly in that the organelles in a eukaryotic cell are bound by membranes. This protects them should harmful chemical reactions occur.

Where does the electron transport occur in eukaryotes cells?

Inner mitochondrial membrane

In eukaryotes where does the Calvin cycle occur in the plant?

Calvin cycle takes place in plantscell inside the chloroplast within the stroma.

In eukaryotes where does the Calvin cycle occur?

The Calvin cycle occurs in the stroma of chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are plants that contain the pigment chlorophyll, which makes plants green.

Where in the eukaryotic cell do replication transcription RNA processing and translation each occur?

In eukaryotic cells, you have a nucleus, whereas with prokaryotic cells you have none and you are missing some organelles found with the eukaryotes. Eukaryotes organelles are found within the cytoplasm.