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In the form of ATP.

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Q: In which biochemical form photosynthesis moves in phloem tissue?
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Related questions

What is tissue that moves food from leaves and stems?

Phloem .

What is a tissue that moves sugar?

phloem cells

What is a tissue that moves sugar from the leaves to other parts of the plant?


What is pholeum?

Phloem is the vascular tissue that which food moves through

Through what do the products of photosynthesis move through the plant?

The soluble products of photosynthesis are transport in water medium throughout the plant with the help of Xylem tissue. It works with the help of pressure difference that occur during transpiration. Other products o photosynthesis are transported with the help of Phloem Tissues that use stored energy

What moves sugars that are made in the plant's leaves?

phloem in vascular tissue.

What moves sugars that are made in plant leaves?

phloem in vascular tissue.

What are the different between xylem and phloem?

They are both types of vascular tissue in plants, but phloem moves food down the plant from the leaves to the roots, whereas xylem moves water from the roots up to the rest of the plant tissue.

Is it true that food moves through a plant in specialized tissue called phloem?


Tissue that moves food from leaves to other plant parts is called?

Stomata Vascular tissue, specially the phloem

What is phloem sap?

Phloem sap is a nutrient-rich, watery fluid that flows through the phloem tissue of a plant. It is responsible for transporting sugars, amino acids, hormones, and other organic molecules from the leaves, where they are produced through photosynthesis, to other parts of the plant. Phloem sap moves through the plant in a process called translocation.

What moves the sugars produced by plants?

Sugars are the food of plant. Food is trans located through phloem tissue.