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Let's put it this way, we know that electrophoresis is a test for the sizes of the fragments of DNA molecules while SDS-page is a test of the size of protein molecules. If you use electrophoresis to test the differences of protein, there will not be any bands as all the protein will travel to the end of SDS-page. Therefore, we can conclude that the pores of electrophoresis is much more larger than SDS-page. Since electrophoresis has larger pores than SDS-page, it also shows that overall DNA is larger than protein in size.

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definetly a cell. Inside cells are DNA

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Q: Is DNA smaller or bigger than a protein?
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Is a cell smaller or bigger than a gene?

Bigger. A gene is one of thousands of segments in the DNA that is found within a cell.

Whether enzyme is bigger or DNA is bigger in molecular size and how do we conclude that?

enzyme is nothing but the protein which is formed from DNA by translation through transcription of a particular region of the DNA . so obviously the DNA is larger than the enzyme in molecular size.

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Chromosomes are made of DNA coiled around protein histones. So no, chromosomes are not smaller, but they are more condensed then when the DNA is unwound in strand form.

If enzymes are bigger or DNA is bigger in molecular size?

Enzymes are smaller than the DNA they process in molecular size. This is because the DNA is a very long string of parts, whereas the enzyme is a single piece.

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Yes .

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Is a gene or the DNA bigger?

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In gene expression and protein synthesis information flows from?

DNA --> RNA --> Proteins -----------------------------------------That simple.

Is nucleus smaller than atom?

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In essence, a protein filament is a long strand (aka filament) that's made of protein (hence, "protein filament"). So they are composed of smaller, protein subunits, which are single protein molecules.