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Science is a boon.

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3mo ago

Science can be both a boon and a bane depending on how it is used. On the positive side, it has led to significant advancements in medicine, technology, and our understanding of the world. However, it also has the potential to be destructive when used for harmful purposes like developing weapons of mass destruction.

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Q: Is Science a bone or bane?
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Is science boon or a bane?

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i dont no do i kid bone bane i dont really care why do u want to no this but i think its bane happy? u better be

Is science a bane to mankind?

No, but its imprudent misuse can be.

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What are the banes of science?

Science is a bane because it is sometimes misused and that misuse often has negative effects on health and the environment.

How can science be a bane to mankind?

Science can be a bane to mankind when it is misused or applied in unethical ways, such as in the development of weapons of mass destruction or environmental pollution. It can also lead to unintended negative consequences, like the creation of harmful technologies or unforeseen health risks. Additionally, scientific progress can sometimes outpace society's ability to adapt, causing social or ethical challenges.

Is science a bane?

Science itself is not inherently a bane. It is a tool that can be used for both beneficial and harmful purposes depending on how it is wielded by individuals or society. The ethical considerations and intentions behind scientific research and its applications determine whether it becomes a bane or a boon.

Why science is bane?

Science itself is not a bane. However, the misuse or misapplication of scientific advancements can sometimes lead to negative consequences. It is important to recognize the ethical implications of scientific research and innovation to ensure that they are used for the betterment of society.

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