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It's bright and showy, and even has little nectar ducts under its petals, so insect-pollinated. Wind-pollinated plants generally don't have flowers, or the flowers are very small and inconspicuous, like those of grass. Wind-pollinated plants also make far more pollen (try tapping a pine tree or reed in spring) because the wind does not take it directly to its destination, much of it will be lost. With insects there's a fair chance the little there is will reach another flower of the same species.

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All flowering plants are pollinated by both wind and insects.

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Q: Is a buttercup flower a wind or insect pollinated plant?
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If a plant has a sticky stigma is it wind or insect pollinated?

Insect pollinated. Wind pollinated stigmas are generally feathery.

Why do insect pollinated flowers have sticky pollen?

insect pollinated flowers are brightly coloured and sweet scented so that the plant can attract the insect towards itself.

What happens after a flower has been pollinated?

After a flower has been pollinated it begins to create a small plant. This is sexual reproduction and give the offspring DNA from both parents.

Where does the fruit form in a pollinated flower?

The fruit usually comes from the flowering part of the plant.

How is wind pollinating a flower similar to an insect pollinating a flower?

They both produce pollen, therefore they must have anthers and since they both produce seeds they must have stigmasThe end results of wind pollination and insect pollination are the same, the plants are pollinated.Wind pollinated plants, which include the grasses and some trees, have either no flowers or very insignificant flowers because they have no need to attract insects. The anthers produce very large amounts of very small pollen grains which are then blown by the wind in the hope of hitting a stigma of the same variety of plant. This is the type of pollen which is the major cause of hay fever.Insect pollinated plants will have flowers, usually with nectar, to attract the insects and reward them with food. A bee's body is covered with fine hairs which become charged with static electricity as the insect flies so when it lands on the flower the pollen grains are actually attracted to the bee's body. When the bee goes to the next flower, some of this pollen is transferred to the flower's stigma. Pollen grains of insect-pollinated plants are much larger than those of wind-pollinated plants.

Related questions

This insect helps pollinate flowers?

the answer your looking is bees. They go to flower to flower picking up and dropping polyn. Almost every plant need to be pollinated example of a flower that does not to be pollinated is peas

If a plant has a sticky stigma is it wind or insect pollinated?

Insect pollinated. Wind pollinated stigmas are generally feathery.

What is pollinated flowers?

A flowering plant whose seed production is facilitated by insect pollinators is what an insect-pollinated flower is. Pollinating insects move pollen grains from female to male plant parts or from female part-only plants to male part-only plants.

Is an buttercup flower an evergreen plant?

No its part of Ranunculaceae, also known as the Buttercup Family.

What is an insect-pollinated flower?

Any flower that is pollinated by an animal (not insect); pollinators include birds, bats, small mammals etc.

Why do insect pollinated flowers have sticky pollen?

insect pollinated flowers are brightly coloured and sweet scented so that the plant can attract the insect towards itself.

Why insect pollinated flowers produce nectar and how they produce?

LeBron James xD I Dont Know Insect pollinated plants produce nectar to attract insect for pollination. The nectar is produced in the nectary glands present at the base of stamens and gynoecium and when the insect approaches the nectary gland, the pollen grains get stuck on its body and when this pollen loaded insect visit another flower of the same species, pollen grains from his body are off loaded on the stigma this flower. Thus pollination by insect is achieved and the insect is benefited by the nectar from that plant.

Does the flower on a flowering plant have to be pollinated to form fruit?


How can you tell if your flower has been pollinated by the wind or by insect?

Generally plants which present small, non-colorful flowers are wind pollinated. If you plant has flowers which give off an aroma, are colorful and or are large in size, they are more likely to rely on pollinators.

Is the papaya tree an insect pollinated plant?

It is a flowering plant

What happens after a flower has been pollinated?

After a flower has been pollinated it begins to create a small plant. This is sexual reproduction and give the offspring DNA from both parents.

How did silverweed adapt to its habitat?

•spreads rapidly •perennial plant •Silverweed flowers are insect pollinated as well as self-pollinated as they are hermaphrodite