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pioneer i think

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is the grass lands primary or secondary

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Q: Is a grassy meadow near a beech-maple forest an example of secondary succession?
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A forest grows back after a forest fire. this is an example of?

Secondary succession

Desribe how secondary succession in a forest differs from primary succession after a volcano?

A good example of primary succession takes place after a volcano has a secondary succession is a process started by an event.

After an event such as a forest fire an ecosystem experiences what is called?

The right answer is Secondary Succession (pg 52.)

Succesion that takes place in a forest that has been destroyed by fire is an example of what?

Secondary succession

If a uncut lawn becomes a meadow and eventually a forest this process is an example of what?

Secondary succession

When an uncut lawn becomes a meadow and eventually a forest this process is an example of what?

Secondary Succession

What does the ecosystem experience after a forest fire?

secondary succession

Where is secondary succession like to occur?

in a forest that has been burned - NovaNet

What is the difference between primary and secondary sucession?

Primary succession is when living things colonize an area where there were no living things to begin with. For example, after a glacier moves away. Secondary succession is the regeneration of a place that did have colonization. For example, after a forest is cut down.

What events can cause succession?

things like forest fires, floods, or other disasters can cause secondary succession.

What is the meaning or reforestation?

in the process of primary succession the forest are establish ,,, while in secondary succession ,,, the forest that are burn or deforested are built again,,, the process of builting or developing forest again is known as reforestation

What is the meaning reforestation?

in the process of primary succession the forest are establish ,,, while in secondary succession ,,, the forest that are burn or deforested are built again,,, the process of builting or developing forest again is known as reforestation