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Cellular respiration is more efficient than fermentation. Cellular respiration produces approximately 36-38 ATP molecules, while fermentation produces only 2 ATP, which is a significant loss in usable energy.

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Q: Is cellular respiration more or less efficient than fermentation?
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1.)Why are methods of anaerobic respiration such as fermentation less efficient than aerobic respiration?

Cellular respiration is more efficient than fermentation. Cellular respiration produces approximately 36-38 ATP molecules, while fermentation produces only 2 ATP, which is a significant loss in usable energy.

What is an alternative to cellular respiration?

The process organisms can get energy from besides cellular respiration is fermentation. This does not result in nearly as much energy, and releases lactic acid rather than carbon dioxide and water. This means that it is less efficient, but it does not require oxygen.

Fermentation is less efficient than areobic respiration because fermentation creates less molecules of?

2 ATP molecules are produced in anaerobic respiration (where there is no oxygen), while in aerobic (where there is oxygen) respiration, 36 ATP molecules are produced.

How is respiration and fermentationdiffrent from each other?

On the cellular level, respiration refers to the process of gas-exchange in organisms WITH oxygen. Mitochondria will undergo glycolysis, the Citric Acid Cycle, and Electron Transport Chain as usual. In fermentation, however, due to a scarcity or lack of oxygen, the cells will undergo a different, less efficient reaction which will also produce ATP, but not nearly as much as respiration.

Fermentation creates less ATP than?

Aerobic Respiration

A gas is needed in the body to make energy?

Yes, Oxygen is needed by the body for aerobic cellular respiration. It is possible to use anaerobic respiration which is with out air, but it is must less efficient and produces lactic acid.

What type of metabolism takes place when oxygen levels in body tissues are low?

Anaerobiosis is the oxidation of molecules in the absence of oxygen to produce energy. Anaerobic respiration is more efficient than fermentation, a bit less that aerobic respiration.

Is cellular respiration exergonic or endergonic?

Cellular respiration, or aerobic cellular respiration, is exergonic because energy is released from the breakdown of glucose and therefore the products have less energy then the starting substance.

What is the name of the process of resperation that does not require oxygen?

anaerobic respiration there is also fermentation, which is like anaerobic respiration but does not have an electron transport chain

What does 'anaerobic respiration is far less efficient than aerobic respiration' mean?

There are two types of cellular respiration: aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic respiration occurs when there is oxygen present. In total, 36 ATP are produced by the end of aerobic respiration. Anaerobic respiration occurs when there is no oxygen present. In total, just 4 ATP are produced by the end of anaerobic respiration. Thus, aerobic respiration is more efficient in comparison to anaerobic respiration as it yields more ATP

What would be most likely effect on cellular respiration if a plant lost much of its chlorophyll?

Cellular respiration would produce less energy.

What would be most likely effected on cellular respiration if a plant were to lose much of its chlorophyll?

Cellular respiration would produce less energy.